Welcome to the Magickal South!

Originally titled Southern Belle Grace, Trula’s blogging adventure first started over on Tumblr in 2015 before coming to WordPress in April of 2016. The blog is one that isn’t stuck in a specific area of the blogging world as the author’s mind is constantly bouncing to a million places at once while trying to keep all her ducklings in the pond.

In 2021, Trula made the decision to rebrand the blog and change it to a place that better reflected her path in life. Thus, Magnolias & Crystals was born. Still embodying the southern aspects from the Southern Belle GraceMagnolias & Crystals marries Trula’s love of her life in the south as well as her witchcraft in one location.

Filled with topics that cover across the board, Magnolias & Crystals is the place to find a home in The South for those that don’t live there as well as share the beauty of manifesting the things you want in life.