Privacy Policy of Magnolias & Crystals

All information on this page is subject to change.


None of my subscribers personal information will be sold nor submitted to spam lists. I know that I absolutely hate getting spam in my inbox and I would never do that to any of my readers.

Terms of Use

All information on this blog is not guaranteed to be correct at any point and time. I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or issues with the information mentioned in any of my posts nor with links that I provide. Most of what I have posted here is my personal opinion, but it is not meant to offend anyone.


Written Content

All written content on Magnolias & Crystals belongs to me and should not be reposted on another website with out my consent. If you do re-publish without my consent, please not that you will be hexed.

In all seriousness, if you are interested in re-posting my work on your website, then you may contact me here. Please note that I do have a choice in this decision and may not agree to it after reviewing your website.

Links to Magnolias & Crystals

I have no control over links that bring you to this blog. In majority of cases, I am not affiliated with anyone who links to my blog unless you find the link on the blog’s Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram. If you find yourself linked here from my personal Instagram, then that is affiliated with this blog in only the respect of sharing links on occasion.


All photographs belonging to me are marked with the blog’s former monogram (SBG), former name (Southern Belle Grace), or anything establishing them as Magnolias & Crystals Property . If you are wanting to repost them or use them for anything, feel free to use the contact page to get in touch with me.

All photographs marked with the joint markings of JVTZ Studios and Magnolias & Crystals or only JVTZ Studios are not mine to provide approval for use. You may contact Sam Sills via email at [email protected]