A Witch’s Destination in Memphis

Hello, friend, 

You may have been around for the last blog post of February, but if you weren’t, I went to Memphis for a sham of a thing that had been labeled “Pickle Fest”. A pickle fest it was not. It was an over glorified bar crawl that wasn’t even really a bar crawl. 

But the weekend did turn up some beauty that I didn’t mind. I got to go to TikTok famous Bluff Cakes as well as have actually good bbq for the first time in years. The highlight however was getting to swing by The Broom Closet. My friend has been plotting on when she’d get to take me over to see the store and this weekend just happened to be the perfect time.  

You may notice that I don’t have photos to share of the shop, but that is because they have a note on the door that requests you don’t take photos in the shop. Most shops that I’ve encountered ask for this as they do host altars for the employees that work there. For me, altar work is sacred and I would never post mine unless I felt called to do so. All this to say that this is most likely why they ask for no photos to be taken in the shop. 

We have a couple here in Nashville that I frequent when I’m in need of things. But I will say that in comparison to both, The Broom Closet is much larger and extremely well put together. As someone who thrives in a weird organized chaos – that I’m getting much better at controlling -, I absolutely love how extremely organized the shop is. Coming into the building felt like a full wave of peace after the craziness of the morning. I honestly cannot wait to go back again. 

The front room is nothing but crystals when you walk in. It’s absolutely amazing. As you make your way towards the hall to the backroom, you slip into the candle and artwork area. Also in this hall is a room off the hallway where they do tarot readings. Keeping making your way through the hall and you arrive in the backroom. Here you will find the books to your right and the apothecary section to your left. Further back is the statue section along side other things that you may use in spell work such as sage bundles, coffin nails, and so on. 

To say the least, I was extremely impressed with everything in the shop. However, my favorite thing might very well have been the fact that they had Malicious Woman Co candles in stock. If you’re familiar with them, then you know this is a Snohomish, Washington, based company. Their candle are to die for in my opinion and I finally got to buy on “in person” so to speak. This is just the beginning of my addiction to their candles, I’m certain. 

But if you are a practitioner and are visiting Memphis, Tennessee, I highly recommend swinging in to check this place out for yourself. The vibe is just perfection and I cannot wait to get to go back the next time I’m visiting. 

Happy witching,

Trula Marie

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