My Chosen Deity

Lovely soul, you’re getting a peek behind the curtain. Don’t blow it please?

Behind the Scenes image of our 2022 Coven Shoot

As you might have seen on Instagram lately and everywhere I’ve changed my profile picture, the Magick Room recently had our third annual photoshoot. This year’s theme was Greek Pantheon and I chose to represent the deity I work with, Hecate/Hekate.

For some people, they take a reasonable amount of time to get into their practice before they typically decide if they are going to work with a deity. I said screw that and knew pretty early on that most likely if I did waltz into deity work that it would be with a moon goddess. I have a thing, okay? The moon has always been my thing for years. 

What sealed the deal was my finishing Initiated: Memoir of a Witch by Amanda Yates Garcia. You can read my review of the book here if you are interested. Amanda speaks of her experience with the goddess from the day she was born. 

For background, Hecate/Hekate is the triple goddess of the moon. She is the embodiment of the Maiden, Mother, Crone. She is the mother of witches. She is the goddess of the crossroads. Hecate/Hekate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. 

I’m not joking when I say she has tons of titles. She’s amazing.

Day 1 of the 31 Days of Samhain image

I did a lot of research when I was making my decision. Every time I did my research, I kept coming back to Hecate/Hekate. There wasn’t a second guessing of it when I did choose. I chose her because my energy meets with her. She feels like home to me, almost like a safe haven to learn my practice and make mistakes. 

She is the duality in everyone so clearly depicted by her many talents. Working in your practice to use that duality and understand it within yourself is extremely helpful for just daily life and dealing with the public. Since starting to work with her, I’ve been more focused on understanding how my own duality functions within my life. 

Her lessons are many. Her guidance is always there. And I am grateful for both. 


Trula Marie

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