By Amanda Yates Garcia

Hello, lovely soul,

I had a realization in the process of trying to get ahead of content creation that during the 2020-2021 year, I kind of went into survival mode. Which means that even though I did a lot of reading in those two years, I didn’t necessarily share what I was reading outside of GoodReads. 

Meaning I never reviewed Amanda’s book outside of small posts on Instagram and I believe on Goodreads. 

So here we are. 

I would like to start with that, Amanda, if you are reading this, I want you to know that you have inspired a lot of my spiritual journey over the last two years. This book not only connected me more to my practice, but also to the magick that has always been in my bloodline – even if my family doesn’t want to own up to our witchy goodness. Thank you for this book. 

Now with that love note, let us continue my review of the book. 

I first found out about Amanda’s memoir when I started listening to the podcast she is in that breaks down the tarot by not only the major and minor arcana, but also takes the minors and breaks them down by the suits and the meaning of each card. I love this podcast and really need to get caught up again. 

So, like a lot of books, I made a note of wanting to read it and not think much of it from that moment. However, just before Valentine’s in 2020 the book came out and I saw it at Barnes & Noble. I had planned to get it, eventually. However, something in my body said get it now. And I listened. Because one thing a lot of my practice has taught me is that you find things when you need them, not when you want them. 

Acceptable, right?

So I started reading as soon as I could, and I took pretty much the beginning of the pandemic to just let this book simmer with my soul. Getting to read this book in a place where I was so at peace – my family’s farm – made it much easier to digest. While some people may find it easier in more crowded place, being in a place where I could easily ground myself made it much easier to follow the ebbs and flows of the book. 

To be honest, my lovely soul, Amanda goes deep. And I was thankful with every page turn that she did. She starts from the very beginning of her time in this world from the day she was born, walking us through the teachings her mother instilled in her from her first moments in this world. But this book is not just her life story alone, oh no. She goes on to talk about the readings that inspired her, that led her through her journey. 

It is woven together in one of the best storytellings that I think I’ve ever read of someone’s life. Her words not only gave me comfort but also helped to settle in my journey even more as I have continued my path. 

It’s definitely a book that I’ve kept in what I call my witch’s library. I couldn’t recommend it more because as you read you start to take your own journey alongside Amanda.

Happy reading, 

Trula Marie

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