Hello, lovely soul,

I had no intention of a post today. Yesterday (May 2nd) was my birthday, and I already have posts scheduled through the beginning of July for you all. However, the news that broke via this Politico article made it impossible for me not to speak out in regard to the information provided there.

The Supreme Court has drafted an opinion that has been leaked and confirmed to be real, showing that they have voted to overturn Roe V. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Yes, you read that heading correctly. They have chosen to leave the right of abortions up to the state level. If you live in a Republican state, I would recommend stocking up on Planned B. I don’t want to be a fearmonger in this case, but it is likely going to become  very difficult to get hands on these after this comes down.

Please understand that this is only the beginning. Most likely the next step will be to take away the right to contraceptives, to remove the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, to end the ability for interracial marriages.

We are literally taking steps backwards through the decades. And let me be clear, this is not about abortion.

Let me repeat, this is not about abortion.

In the last two years, the US has lost a lot of its working class, which – if you didn’t know – actually out numbers the amount of wealthy. What they want is forced-birth. They want to replenish the worker bees that they lost thanks to covid. They want to have a new generation to try to brainwash into their views.

Again, this has nothing to do with abortion. This has everything to do with capitalism. And the GOP is pushing the agenda one way or another.

Please also be reminded that Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett stated that this was settled law. It is more than likely they, alongside Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch, have voted yes to this. They are the only five that have either not spoken out on overturning Roe v. Wade or have actually spoken out about it. All it takes is five because there are only nine.

However, there is a logic that many people have not understood, and the court can potentially be expanded. Why? Because each judge has multiple districts under them. There are currently 94 district courts and 13 circuit courts.

If these have expanded, log would dictate that we should have at minimum 13 Supreme Court Judges. We can expand the courts. Five would no longer be the majority. The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade could be overturned.

Now, we don’t know who leaked this draft. It could be someone inside who wanted to test the waters to see how the American people would react. What a lot of the anti-abortion conservatives don’t understand is that there are more people that support Roe v. Wade. So overturning Roe v. Wade – while I believe Alito mentioned that it was splitting the country – would divide the country even more.

They don’t realize they’re just giving us the ammo we need to fight them long term.

I highly recommend finding your nearest women’s march that I’m certain are being organized and marching.

We will not go quietly into A Handmaid’s Tale.

Light & Love, 

Trula Marie

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