Hello, lovely soul,

I’m a cinefile. If it’s not clear by the massive amounts of TV show and movies reviews here on the blog. Those may or may not be resuming. As of right now, it’s a definite no. But books will be continuing shortly. Promise!

However, I am such a cinefile that I happen to usually sleep with my laptop bedside with my Apple TV playing a film on loop. Last time I was doing that before I start sleeping with the laptop out of the bedroom, it was my Chris Evans playlist. I just like noise when I sleep and I go to my comfort characters typically. Or whatever movie feels comforting. 

This is not really conducive to good sleep. Shocking right?

That is why I decided to start trying to sleep without the computer in the bedroom so that I wasn’t tempted to put a movie on to fall asleep to. Before I’d put a halt to this, I was waking up on occasion through the night for some reason. Whether it be because it was too quiet in the bedroom or because the movie had woken me up, it was varied. So kicking the laptop out stopped me from dealing with it for the time being. 

After a week or so, I absolutely was sleeping better and fully through the night. I still wake up before my alarm clock, but that’s been par for the course no matter if I have a movie going or not. I didn’t anticipate that truly changing in all of this. But in truth, it’s been amazing to get a full night of sleep and actually feel more rested the next morning. I have recently brought the computer back into the bedroom but I hadn’t been watching movies while I sleep. 

In all honesty, I really brought it back because I was cleaning my closet and wanted music. Other than that, it’s been pretty much chilling either in the living room or on the bedside table and closed. 

I probably should have started sleeping with my Apple Watch again to truly track the sleep to see if we could get a full read on the difference, but I’m gonna be seriously honest with you right now, I hate sleeping with that thing on my wrist. And it’s also dead. It’s somewhere in the apartment, but it’s dead. So I’ll have to do some cleaning to find it again. 

See, my apartment eats things and I forget where I take them off at unless I put them in the same place constantly, like all my Clay by Dani earrings. 

Maybe we can see what the difference is eventually and how much better I’m sleeping, but for now this is what I got for you.

Light & Love, 

Trula Marie

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