My New Favorite Soap

Hello, lovelies!

I’m back with another product review.

During the pandemic, I’ve safely been experiencing some new stores. One of them is our local refill store called Sage Refill Market. In truth, I’m working on trying to switch fully over to using my own containers for things around the apartment so that I can start chilling on the amount of waste that is ending up in the trash. Their prices are amazing on this by the way.

But we’re not here to talk about my plans to go as green as possible and potentially start composting in my tiny apartment. We’re here to talk about a CBD soap that has been a dream for the last four-ish months.

As I had a huge car wreck back in November during Thanksgiving with my mom, I was in a lot of pain because of the shake up to my body. I was fine otherwise, just… Hitting a deer was not in the holiday plans. And while I was without a car, I couldn’t make it up to my chiropractor because I was without my car for a little over a month.

This soap was a lifesaver in regards to aches and pains when I was sleeping. Like I said, I didn’t have major damage or any broken bones. I just had a lot of muscle aches because I ended up with a slight case of whiplash. So this soap with the CBD was amazing. My trick was to get the shower as hot as I could stand it and then I would lather my washcloth up with this soap. I still use this with every shower even now.

Once the cloth is decently lathered, I’ll typically start at my neck – or occasionally I’ll use it on my face if I’ve accidentally hit my forehead on a shelf or something like that – and slowly scrub/massage it into my skin. The really hot water lets the pores open up to absorb the CBD from the soap so that my body can put it to work with the aches and pains from the wreck.

Like I said I still use it to this day. The LEEF Nooks + Crannies CBD Soap has been amazing and it comes in wide range of scents. My personal favorites have been the Black Chamomile and the White Tea & Ginger. There are others that they have such as Cactus & Agave or Cucumber Melon. They have their own website which you can find here, but I still like to shop our local refill market for it even through with the company’s website you can set it up on a schedule to mail it to you. I just prefer to go shop it in person because of the scents.

I highly recommend the soap in general, but I fully plan on trying a few of their other products so I will keep you posted on what I try!

Light & Love,

Trula Marie

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