What The Literal Crap?

Happy Tuesday, Belles & Beaux!

If you missed yesterday’s post, then I’m going to give you the big old warning that spoilers are about to run rampant through this post for Avengers: Endgame. The Russo Brothers announced the ban on spoilers would be lifted as of May 6 (yesterday), so that means my review is finally fair game to be posted. So that means that after the image of the cast below, there will be spoilers. So please, if you haven’t seen the movie yet, do not scroll past the image unless you really just don’t care and don’t want to watch the movie.


So to start with, I absolutely loved this movie. Despite the fact that I found a few issues that I’d like to pick a bone with the writers of the script about, I did love this movie a lot. I’m prefacing with this because I have some issues with a lot of things. I love how this wrapped up a lot of information in the movies, but I truly hated certain things.

America’s Ass + Hail Hydra

Okay, this made me laugh my ass off. I loved every moment of it. From Tony and Scott arguing over Steve’s ass in the uniform Coulson designed to Steve uttering the words Hail Hydra – with the elevator scene that mirrored the one in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I pity Rumlow because he doesn’t know the oncoming beating that he’s going to get from Steve and Sam.

I also loved this because it felt like a little homage to the new Captain America comics where they’re trying to make him Hydra. Now I’m not going down that road. I’m highly Anti-Hydra Cap, but it was still nice to see the movies pay the homage to that.

Also, can we all just be happy that we finally got the Cap on Cap fight. The one I had really hoped for was Johnny Storm vs. Captain America – which did happen in the comics – but this will be accepted in its place. I loved this whole bit of the time travel so it was totally worth it.

Clint + Natasha + Nat’s Death

I’ve discussed this with some of the people I know how have seen the movie and this part actually made me cry the worst in the theater. I’m also going to be very honest: Why did it have to be Nat and Clint who went after the soul stone? Couldn’t Nebula have, I don’t know, explained how you get the soul stone?

If you can’t tell, then I will say it now: Natasha’s throwaway death was utter bullshit. And it’s not the only throwaway in the movie, but I’ll get to the second one towards the end of this post. Right now I really want to address the stupidity that is killing Natasha Romanoff.

Besides Bucky, she’s the only person who understands losing everyone that could have or did ever love you. She gets Steve on this strange level that sometimes I don’t think Bucky gets. And on top of all this, she has been the only female Marvel heroine until Captain Marvel showed up.

Don’t get me wrong. Natasha is feeling the loss that Clint is feeling near the same level as him. She’s known about Laura for as long as she’s known Clint. She’s been in those kids lives since the day they were born probably. She’s Auntie Nat for crying out loud! But Natasha at that point was feeling as if she had pulled the trigger herself – which she has done in the comics FYI.

But to be honest: for all the shit Natasha and Scarlett have had to put up with the last decade, this was a throwaway on both parts. Natasha gets a moment of remembrance after her death as Clint, Steve, Tony, and Hulk Banner discuss it on the lake. And even then, we immediately go into other preparations instead of truly giving them time to mourn.

I would have very much have liked to see Laura and the kids finding out and them mourning. I’m still almost certain that Lyla would have probably felt it the worst out of all of them.

For more on my feelings about this, please feel free to head over to Vanity Fair and read their article about how Endgame failed Natasha entitled How Avengers: Endgame Failed Black Widow.

I Knew It!

If you’ve seen it, then that is probably a line you might have possibly missed or weren’t paying attention to when you finally saw Steve ‘I Am Worthy’ Rogers pick up Mjolnir! The theater I was in completely cheered during this scene. The only thing I kept lingering on was how much better it would have been if it had been Natasha who picked it up. For those who don’t know, she actually does this in the comic books. We all knew Steve was worthy in Ultron when Mjolnir shifted but didn’t let Steve completely pick it up. I think he was still holding some guilt there or didn’t believe in himself enough to do it. But the fight against Thanos made all those doubts go away and he was able to wield it finally. A proud moment on my end in truth.

My favorite part of this scene, besides Steve using Mjolnir, is Thor’s proud papa moment of knowing Steve could actually wield Mjolnir. Watching them fight back to back with both the new and old weapons made the movie all the more worth it. It was even made better when Steve ended up with Stormbreaker and Thor was like “Nope. You get the little one.”

I Love You 3000

On May 2, 2008 (My birthday FYI), Robert Downey Jr. debuted in Iron Man as Tony Stark and started the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. Now, we have said goodbye to Robert in Endgame the best way we know how. With him uttering the words “I am Iron Man” for the last time, Robert sealed his fate in Marvel’s cinematic history. He will forever be Tony Stark for those of us who have been blessed to seem him grow with this character over the last decade.

To be honest, I was prepared for Steve to die in this movie. I had been anticipating it as it was actually supposed to happen during Civil War if the movie had been able to be done as the comic books had depicted it. So accepting that Steve might be dying had been high on my priority list.

However, I was far from ready to say goodbye to Tony, especially after he finally got his happily ever after with Pepper and their daughter Morgan. Seriously, I feel like it’s completely wrong. And the worst of it all is, there’s now no one but Nick Fury who knew her grandfather. But she has Rhodey and Happy so there’s that to cover Tony – besides Pepper of course.

Which brings me to my final topic….


The one plot point in this whole movie that completely 100% escapes me.

First of all, the previous two Cap movies have set us up for the ship of Steve & Sharon – who in the movie incarnation is actually Peggy’s niece. Fun fact: Peggy wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Sharon as a character as they were originally sisters. It was in a later retcon that she was made Peggy’s niece.

Steve has gotten his best friend back and all that mess. They’ve set him up for two movies to end up with Sharon. Then they have him use the time travel that they’ve created to go back to Peggy. This decision makes no point for Steve. Peggy could have been happily living with her husband – who a great deal of the fandom believe was Daniel Sousa – and enjoying her kids and grandkids!

I don’t think Steve is that selfish to go back in time and stay with Peggy! I just can’t believe that he would do that, nor do I believe he would leave Bucky alone in the present to fend for himself. I mean I know that on some level Sam would look out for him, but it’s the principle of the thing. I don’t think Bucky would have left Steve in that circumstance if he had the opportunity. I just can’t get behind this.

I fully believe it might have had something to do with Emily’s current show The Resident – if you haven’t watched it yet do yourself a favor and do so. I am personally choosing to believe that the filming schedule for the show couldn’t be easily adjusted to have her film for Endgame so they chose this route, but even then at least make it believable. By that I mean they should have shown whatever conversation Steve had with Bucky prior to everything. I know it would have ruined a little of the surprise, but it would have made Steve look less like a giant dick.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m happy that Steve got his happy ending. However, I’m not happy with who it was with and how it happened. Sorry, but I don’t care what time travel quantum physics you spit at me. It makes Steve look like a giant dick for leaving his so-called “best friend” like that. I know that Bucky reacted as if he knew the entire time, but…. It’s still not okay.

So there you have it. What I loved the most about Endgame and what I hated – which was a lot less than I think I expected.

What did you love or hate about Avengers: Endgame? Let me know down in the comments!


Trula Marie

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