What Can It Hurt?

Happy Friday, Belles & Beaux!

I’m sorry I’ve been MIA. If you follow the blog’s Instagram, then you know that life has sort of been…. Meh. I really don’t feel like sharing much more than that at the moment. But I do hope you’ll all send some good energy and vibes my way this afternoon. It’s a big deal and I would greatly appreciate it.

So, No Love For Fatties tagged me for this post and I quite enjoy these. Holiday themed questions always seem to get me more in the mood for the one that it is for.

So let’s get to it!

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger that tagged you and link their blog to your post. Thank you, No Love! You’re a doll and I always enjoy reading your posts!

2. List the rules in the post. (Currently doing)

3. Answer all the questions asked by the blogger.

4. Nominate some other bloggers and provide them with 12 new questions!

No Love for Fatties Questions:

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so, who makes the cut?

This is my third year sending out Christmas cards. I love doing it, and I really enjoying figuring out a new thing for my Christmas photo. This year’s was done at my favorite bar, Walden. And as for who makes the cut, anyone who signs up on my link that I share on my personal Facebook and Instagram. An Historian is actually on my card list!

2. How about a Christmas newsletter?

I have family members who do this one. But I don’t like the idea of them as I live alone. Maybe when I get married and have kids I’ll start doing this.

3. Glitter covered cards/decorations – yes or no?

As a graduated women’s fraternity member and avid crafter, I have to say no. If you aren’t a crafter, then you don’t get it. But glitter is the herpes of the craft world. You can never get rid of it. You think you got every little spec? Not a chance.

4. Tinsel?

Outside, yes. We used to use gold tinsel on our outdoor reindeer that mom had for yard decoration. Inside it’s less fun due to having a cat. It’s not good for their tummies so I try not to keep tinsel around.

5. Favourite Christmas treat?

Gingerbread/Gingerbread cookies. I’m actually making some for a cookie exchange with some of my sisters!

6. Mistle Toe – avoid or seek out?

Neither??? Is that an option? I’ve only ever seen it in person once in my life and that’s it.

7. How do you decorate the inside of your house for Christmas?

I usually put a tree up only. But my mom had some Christmas quilts/pillow covers so I brought those back to my apartment with me. They’re on my bed now. And then I have a wreath on my apartment door. I think when I have a house of my own I’ll decorate a lot more.

8. Do you fill stockings with presents or are they just a decoration? If you do fill them, what types of things do you like to have in yours/put in others?

Mom always put lifesavers and little things like candy in mine growing up. We did stockings one year for me and my suitemates at college. Originally they were just for decoration, but we all kind of got little things and filled each other’s stockings as a surprise.

9. Do you like to have a white Christmas?

In my 25 years of living in Tennessee, I don’t think (and, mom, if you’re reading this you’re more than welcome to correct me) that I’ve ever had a white Christmas. We usually either get snow in January or later. Never on Christmas.

10. Advent Calendars: Fun or not? Regular cheap chocolate ones or more elaborate?

All my friends are posting about theirs and such, but I’ve never done one. I think it would be fun but I live by myself. I however do have an Elf on the Shelf…. Though Ella is about like me currently and just not feeling the season at the moment.

11. Presents on Christmas Eve or Day? Or both?!

Both. We do a single gift on Christmas Eve. And usually we pick our own. My extended family was visiting us on Christmas Eve one year and my big brother decided he was going to pick mine. Spoiler: it was my beautiful Kitchen Aid stand mixer and I screamed.

12. Christmas Day – what happens in your house? Walk us through a typical day.

Mom and I usually get up about 9ish, depending on when we finally called it a night after watching White Christmas the night before. She fixes breakfast while I get the TV set up for our normal tradition. We eat breakfast and open presents while watching Gremlins (in our family we consider it a Christmas movie. Plus GIZMO! If you don’t know it. Go Google.). Then we usually pile up and watch other movies like Die Hard and anything else we feel like watching.

I would like to tag An Historian, Paige, Krista Lauren, and Hannah. I have few bloggers that I know well enough to tag. But these are some of the blogs I enjoy reading myself so I shall tag them.

My Questions:

  1. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
  2. Do/would you include your pets in your Christmas card photo?
  3. Favorite Christmas movie?
  4. Favorite Christmas carol?
  5. Gift Cards: appropriate gift or inconsiderate?
  6. Dream Christmas celebration?
  7. Do you do volunteer work during the holidays?
  8. Thoughts on Fruit Cake?
  9. Best Christmas memory?
  10. Tradition carols or Contemporary Carols? (Old vs new basically)
  11. Best present you’ve ever received?
  12. Favorite ornament?

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  1. Ooooo White Christmas on Christmas Eve is one of my traditions too! Although I’m going to see it in a theatre TODAY!! I’m so excited to see it on the big screen!!

    Why no advent calendar because you live alone? I get the chocolate ones and couldn’t imagine having to share it with anyone haha!

      1. Haha! Fair enough! My brother always gets my mom one from David’s Tea every year (do you have that in the US? I hope so!) but he gets it late and gives it to her on Christmas as part of her gift, then she has an extra 25 days of new teas to try. There are some makeup ones I think you’d probably enjoy. I looked into a few this year but they are expensive :/

        1. I’ve seen the tea one via An Historian! But I’m not a big tea fan. And I try not to eat too much chocolate. Maybe one with little presents one year!

          1. Ooo that’s a good idea! I had a friend growing up and her parents made their own and she had to share with her brothers so every 3rd day was hers and she’d get a little toy in it just got her. It was cute

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