The Tie-in Between the X-Men Movies and the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Good morning, Belles & Beaus!

It’s hump day. And to be honest, I didn’t know what to write about. So I went to my trusty friend, Google, and started searching for some blog post ideas. One of the lists suggested writing about a conspiracy theory, however I wanted to shake it up a little bit by mixing real world and fiction. As most of us Marvel fans know, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is set in the real present day world unlike DC who has their own made up cities and universes. The only two cities made up in the MCU so far are Sokovia & Wakanda. So we’re pretty much constantly working with the real world.

For those of you who aren’t movie junkies like me and enjoy trying to figure out how the pieces fit together, this post isn’t for you. But please feel free to stick around and add your thoughts in the comment. So without further a do, let’s begin.

The Beginning

To start this off, I have to put you in the right setting and give you a little back story. For those who have not watched Captain America: The First Avenger by now, shame. You are beyond saving at this point of spoilers so you might as well just get over it.

For those who have, we all know that James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes fell to his supposed death from a train that Steve and he were breaking into to capture Dr. Zola. This is what we believed until Captain America: The Winter Soldier when we discovered that, not only was Bucky not actually dead, but he had been turned into a form of a super soldier by Hydra, the group lead by Red Skull.

Now The Winter Soldier has racked up a number of unconfirmed kills as he is not believed to exist. Natasha Romanova – Romanoff for you movie fans – has had her fair share of run ins with him. If you have read the comics, then you know that Natasha and Bucky were actually lovers during her time at the Red Room created by the KGB. This is the reason that Bucky was put away like Christmas ornaments because they did not want him having his own free will. This is also the reason that she seems to normally not be that scared of Bucky when he’s in Winter Soldier mode – my personal theory at least.

For one of the X-Men tie ins, I would like to remind you that though they never showed all that we know about Captain Steve Rogers during WWII, that at one point in one of the comic story lines – I might be forgetting my history here as it has been a while – Steve did interact with Logan (Wolverine) during this time. It was also shown in a X-Men show when Scott, Jean, and so on are all of high school age that Steve was actually cryogenically frozen due an issue with his mutated X gene. It was in great thanks to Jean in later years that brought him back from death. But in this show they actually showed the two saving Magneto from one of the Nazi concentration camps during WWII.

The Seventy Years Between

As I said, The Winter Soldier has racked up a number of unconfirmed kills because the intelligence agency believes he is nothing more than a Ghost. For seventy years, he has been assassinating people off a list that Hydra has created for him. They unthaw him, turn the programming on, and let him go do what they want him to do.

On this list is the most notable, Howard and Maria Stark. For us movie goers, we witnessed this at the beginning of Captain America: Civil War. Tony learns the truth and we see how deep the programming was inside of Bucky’s mind. To be honest, I’m sure he didn’t recognize Howard because the last time he saw him he was really really young, but there’s part of me that when he realized after the fact that is pretty darn sure he blames himself for not being stronger.

One of the deaths that has been contributed to The Winter Solider’s kill count – depending on which rounds of the comics you are reading – is the John F. Kennedy Assassination.

The JFK Assassination

Now as well all have been told, Lee Harvey Oswald is the one who performed his murder of a president well loved by the people who elected him into office. This is true for the present day reality.

In the MCU fanbase, the offhanded theory goes that the Winter Soldier is actually the one who performed this assassination as well as pinned it on someone else. I fully stand by this as Bucky has a lot of trouble with his memory due to the Winter Soldier programming – go watch Captain America: Civil War if you are lost – but I hope that if the Black Widow solo movies ends up going forward and they include the Winter/Widow relationship that we might possibly get a look at this in that film.

Short side note, I do not mean for them to focus solely on their relationship, but I would really just like Bucky to open up to her about what little he remembers. They could however have Bucky begin remembering things in his own standalone movie. Either would be fine by me.

Now we also know that during X-Men: Days of Future Past Magneto has been put in a plastic prison inside of the Pentagon because they believe that he was the one who killed JFK. However, as well know, there are theories that say the bullet curved when it entered JFK’s head. Fun side note, if you were paying attention, then you know that Magento claimed that he was trying to save JFK and that he was actually “one of us.” So by that, I’m assuming he means that JFK was in fact a mutant. Someone ask Fassbender if I’m right and let me know – because I honestly need to know.

My Theory

Now we have arrived at my full on personal theory of how X-Men and the MCU tie in together. So with all the blabbing history I gave you up above, here you go.

I theorize that not only did Bucky perform the assassination, but Magento is the reason the bullet curved. Hear me out!

First of all, the reason Magneto was caught was because he was visible in the window. Obviously he managed to try to stop the bullet, but by doing so he ended up capture and the authorities believed he was the one who performed the assassination.

Bucky, in Winter Soldier mode, must have noticed this and took the opportunity to clean up his sniper’s nest. Magneto’s capture actually gave him the perfect opportunity for a get away. So while Magneto had the best of intentions, he was the only reason he ended up in his plastic prison. You think he’d learn to be a little more hidden, right?

But there you go, Bucky was still the one who assassinated JFK but Magneto is the reason the bullet curved when entering JFK’s head. Magneto was arrested for it and Bucky went back to the KGB/Hydra with no issues at all.

Do you have any weird movie theories that you enjoy talking about? Leave them in the comments for us to discuss!

Happy Hump Day, y’all!


Trula Marie

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