Yeah that’s still a thing!

Hello, friend,

With the last four years of pandemic living, I can strongly say I have opinions now on the difference between being fully in office and working fully remote from home. Before, I didn’t care. In all honesty, I thrived on being in the office and then going home where my work was kept separately from my personal life outside of it.

However, after going full remote in 2020 due to the start of Covid-19, I found that working full time from home was not for me. Waking up just to stay in my pajamas and go working in my living room and then home office once I had moved just didn’t do it for me. I was missing the ability to go and do things, to be social. I was introverting way too much. It resulted in a huge weight gain that I was not happy about and I was really starting to feel depressed. I had a few friends that I made through The Magick Room that would come over – we lived near one another and took all the precautions – but for the most part I was extremely lonely.

Fast-forward to 2021. I moved from the fully remote job to a fully in office position. Which felt great in the beginning. But then the anxiety and stress, which I’ve briefly talked about on TikTok and Instagram respectfully, took hold and the job wasn’t really all that supportive. But that’s a post for another day.

Now with the job I am in currently – just made it one year on January 10 -, I am thriving and have the ability to work from home three days a week. It’s a great balance in my opinion. So on the days that I’m working fully from home, my routine is slightly different than my in office days. 

First thing on the agenda is wake up call at 6AM. While I’m not mastering this every day, I am trying. The routine includes making the bed and putting some type of clothes on that I would consider wearing out of the house. Then it’s to the kitchen to fix me a bowl of cereal, make my tea, and feed her royal meowness, Katherine. 

After that hour is up, it’s 45 minutes of reading so I can have some time to myself before work begins at 8. Then from 8am to 12pm, it is work work work in my home office – which I finally have reclaimed if you’ve seen the TikTok videos of me working from my dinning room table. I might get up around 11:30 and lay something out to thaw – mainly I’ve been doing salmon when I’m at home for lunch. 

Post lunch it is back to work from 1pm to 5pm. Katherine is on a schedule with her food so she gets dinner before me. Now I might have laid something out or potentially started cooking around 4:30 or so. This is just to ensure that I’m not eating at 7:00 at night because I’d much rather the decompressing from the day. 

The decompression is usually playing Destiny 2 with some friends of mine or I’ll pile up with one of the books I’m currently reading and just read for hours. Sometimes it’s a night where I just need a comfort movie. Now that I’ve got a projector in my bedroom, the game is won by me being able to just lay in bed and watch my comfort movies while being comfy. The rest of the evening is pretty chill as I settle in for the night after doing my face washing routine, get my teeth brushed, and other things that I typically do during my wind down time. 

So that is my WFH days in a nut shell. I hope you enjoyed the look into my daily life.

My love,

Trula Marie

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