This One is a Little Sad

Hello, lovely soul,

I had hoped this post wouldn’t be as painful to write. That the news wouldn’t be what it is. But that’s not the case. 

If you read our last health update, then you know that Katherine’s vet detected a heart murmur back in May. We did a stretch test and it came back that she was in normal range. We still went through with the echo just to make sure everything was okay. 

Turns out it is but isn’t. 

Katherine has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Her heart walls are hardening. 

At this point, Dr. McGuire and the vet that also saw her the day she went in are hopeful that, considering her age, this may not progress past the murmur. The group vibe with me and my friends is pretty much putting that same energy out into the world as well so that we don’t lose her. 

Right now, we’re just enjoying every day together that we have. 

I know it sounds crazy. I honestly am just happy that I’ve gotten ten years with her. It is selfish of me to want more. But my goal is to keep her as comfortable as possible. 

So we’ve upped the goal of getting in a house in the next ten years to five years. 

I don’t ask for much in that area, just that if you wanna support someone trying to make the best of life, then stick around. 

The more you read, share, and interact with the blog and the rest of my social medias, the more I can push to have an amazing main hustle and an amazing side hustle that help make that goal a reality. 

Your support never goes unnoticed. It makes me smile. It makes me realize that what I’m going isn’t just shouting into the void. 

So thanks.

Thank you for being here on this crazy journey.

Light & Love, 

Trula Marie

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