Worry Begone!

Hello, lovelies!

In the midst of all the working on the self-hosted site, I also happened to have invested in an automated feeder for Miss Katherine from Petlibro. Why?

Because I’m a lazy cat mom. 

In all honesty, I did it because I really didn’t like Katherine’s eating schedule not being a very good consistent schedule. With my recent job change back in January and my hours changing with that, I felt like she deserved a bit of an upgrade. So, order her an automated feeder I did. 

For Katherine, I settled on the Petlibro Wifi Automatic Pet Feeder in the 4 liter size. It doesn’t hold all of her food – which I honestly don’t think the 6 liter would have either -, but I just left the rest of it in the bag and will just refill the dispenser. Now, the downside to this is that it does not tell you when it is empty. I just kind of check on it once every couple of weeks and top it off if it has gone down a decent enough amount. 

So we’ve had this for about 4-ish months now. The first night, Katherine was not sure what to think of it. And now?

Every morning when it drops her food at 6am (CST), she leaves me in the bed and disappears to go eat her breakfast. The same with her evening feeding. However, she has been slower to accepting that I know it has fed her and that she can convince me to feed her before her 5pm (CST) feeding. Other than that, this thing has been amazing. I don’t have to worry about her if I decide to go out after work because she still gets fed. 

If you’re one of our Instagram friends and you know that she’s been on a diet for a little while, you’re probably wondering well how do you know that she’s getting the right amount of food? This was a little difficult.

There are 12 feeding settings on this one and it took sometime to basically play with the different setting and weigh them out to settle on the #5 feeding which releases 26 grams of food. Well, she is supposed to be eating 28 grams with each meal. However, there is not a feeding setting that provides that. Instead, I have her a snack at noon that fills in that 4 grams that she’s missing from each meal. 

Do I love it? Yes.

Does Katherine love it? I believe she honestly tolerates it, like she does all my other bullshit. 

It’s her world, I just live in it as her servant. 

If you’re interested, I feel that so far it has been the best bang for my buck. They do include a filter for the container where the food sits, so that will have to replaced at some point. But as far as it doing what I need it to? It hits all the things I wanted in an auto feeder. 

Light & Love, 

Trula Marie

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