The Eighth Day of Yuletide

Hello lovelies,

As I’ve probably said a million times before this, candle magick happens to be my favorite type of magick. Why? Because there’s very little to no clean up necessary after the spell is complete. Other than maybe throwing away the last of the salt I used as a protection ring, it’s pretty much a quick clean-up process.

While candle magick isn’t just reserved for Yule, candle magick during Yule takes a new meaning. What do I mean by that?

Each color has its own meaning and they vary depending on the practice. I typically lean towards the following list:

  • White can be used for anything. Much like a quartz crystal you can use it for anything when you don’t have the color you need.
  • Black can be used for banishing negativity or banishing anything in general, actually. Toss a little black salt in with that candle and you’re really cooking with gas.
  • Red for love or passion. It doesn’t necessarily be for a search for love, but it can also be used for self-love.
  • Green for finances/job hunting.
  • Pink for love/intimacy

I don’t use a lot of different candle colors in my practice but that’s just me.

During Yule, some colors take on a new meaning.

  • Red stands for prosperity and passion.
  • Green stands for prosperity and abundance.
  • White stands for purity and light.
  • Gold stands for prosperity and wealth.

Do you see a theme there? Yule is the season of prosperity, abundance, and wealth. For me, I’ve been trying to find some gold candles to include on my altar but haven’t found any yet.

Essentially, the best candle magick during this time of year really focuses in on prosperity. I won’t lie, I feel like my green candle I lit for my job search got a little boost due to the holiday. I won’t complain there for sure.

So if you are going to include candles with your altar or your yule log, these are the colors I recommend aiming for!

Blessed Yuletide,

Trula Marie

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