Miss Katherine’s New Grooming Tool

Disclaimer: I am not being compensated for this blog review. I bought this to help Miss Katherine with furball issues we were having.

After seeing this funny little tool on Instagram, I finally pulled the trigger and order it over quarantine because despite brushing Miss Katherine on a regular basis, we were still having issues with furballs. I know they’ll happen no matter what, but I like to try to help her have many less than what she was having previously.

Enter the SleekEz

So after checking out multiple instagram videos and their website, I ordered Katherine the small SleekEz. Why? Because every video I have seen of this shows how good this product is. Every summer Katherine sheds until it is time for winter again and we never get all her fur cleaned so that she can enjoy the summer. Try as we might, a normal brush just does not do the job.

As a pet parent, I like products that are good for my pets. The teeth of the blade are meant to act like a cat’s tongue. As you brush it through their fur, it gently removes the fur that is already loose which is what their tongues do when they clean themselves. So not only does this get to the undercoat to pull the loose fur out, but it also helps to reduce the amount of furballs that she has. And let me tell you, Miss Katherine has had many a furball. These furballs can also effect how well she is able to eat her food. If the hair gets caught the wrong way in her throat, she won’t exactly get to fully swallow her food and if she does I come home to it being in the floor.

We recently had one recent issue because I hadn’t started her usual brushing that begins in mid-April now. However, when I say Katherine loves her SleekEz, I am not kidding. I get it out and she is all about rubbing against it. Which makes the actual use of it much easier than most things with her. I also think she really just loves the attention.

But the best thing about this brush is there is no pulling the fur out of it. There’s nothing to catch the fur in. I highly recommend keeping a bag nearby to ball the fur up and toss in. I keep a little baggy of Katherine’s fur just to see how much she really sheds during the summer. It’s my curiosity getting the better of me. The other best thing about this is that it mimics their teeth and helps to loosen the fur that they would usually get out while grooming themselves which is how furballs happen.

Ten out of ten, I would highly recommend you get yourself one. They just work absolutely amazingly and can cut brushing time in half depending on how much your animal loves to be groomed.

Light & Love,

Trula Marie

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