A How To

Welcome back, my lovelies!

I thought that the first post back with the new rebranding should go down the new branch that will be appearing here on the blog. If you haven’t noticed, categories have changed and we’re going to be melting the witch in me with the southern belle. I’m definitely excited to be starting this journey of putting this out there for y’all so I hope you’re ready for the ride as well.

Now of course, all content will have its own magick as it is created, but not everything will be focused on witchcraft. I will make notes here and there on a recipe to help my fellow witches to include it, but it is most definitely not necessary. Just see it as a fun little extra.

So without further hesitation, let’s go!

Step One: Prep Work

If you’re like them then you don’t typically keep a lot of things like bath bombs around. My gambit has been candles, and I cannot stop myself from buying them if I find that they are on sale for a decent price. Smell good candles or just normal candles work just fine. Most of mine are pillar candles and none of them have a scent because the bath bombs pretty much take care of that. 

As for bath bombs, just go wherever you like to shop them and buy them. I honestly plan on ordering some from Witch Baby Soap however I keep missing their restocks so here’s hoping.* My latest favorites are from Aroma G’s here locally in Nashville and Lush. That Deep Sleep one is no joke. I slept like a baby after it. 

I also recommend looking into items that will help keep your tub full if you have an overfill spot or if your tub tends to have issues around the drain. If you’re an OG friend then you know what I’m talking about because my first apartment in Nashville had a terrible drain that leaked and I couldn’t enjoy a hot long bath for nothing. 

My two current favorites are the V-TOP Tub Stopper for over my drain in my tub to ensure no water is lost and the SlipX Solutions Adjustable Better Soak Overflow Drain Cover for the overfill cover. No kickbacks are had for these links, but these are the products I’ve been using for quite a few months now and they haven’t given me issue yet. 

Last but not least you need to decide if you want music or not. I have some playlists saved for different Wheel of the Year holidays as well as the full and new moon. Or you can just zone out to no music if you’re blessed with no neighbors that have a tendency to be loud and obnoxious. 

*Update: As of writing this prior to publishing the new branding for the blog, I had not yet ordered from them. I have ordered but have not gotten to experience their magick yet. That will be a separate review at a later date.

Step Two: The Bath

Now, there’s no wrong way to prepare a ritual bath. Everyone has their own way of setting it up. I’m just going to walk you through the way I do mine. 

First thing I do is set up all my candles just the way I want them to be. Sometimes I’ll have them around the edge of the tub but now that I include so many (see here in this TikTok), I just usually have started to incorporate my always growing crystal collection into being around the tub. One day the dream will be to have a wide enough ledge that I can properly enjoy both candles and crystals, but that is a long term future goal. 

Once that is all done, I get my water started and get the drain cover set up on the bottom of the tub so it can begin filling. I keep the water really hot when I first start filling so that the bathbomb(s) I add have a good opportunity to really mix in. With the Aroma G ones being bagged loosely instead of being formed into a shape, I usually mix two or three together and let them melt into the water while I get my music going. 

Step Three: Enjoy

This step is pretty simple. Just enjoy the time and your intention that you set when going into the bath. A lot of my intentions focus on honoring my body for its daily work on this planet as well as give my mind a moment to just shut down and reboot prior to going to bed for the night. It also lets me focus on my energy and sometimes can lead to me thinking of ideas for the blog. 

So don’t knock it until you try it. I promise it will be so worth it. 

Light & Love,

Trula Marie

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