Social Outings, I Mean

As the world slowly beings to come a screeching halt for most, I figured we’d talk about ways to make use of your quarantine time if you are working from home. These are small things that I’m doing while I’m working just to give me some movement. We all know that this is going to affect us in crazy ways and this is going potentially go on beyond this.

With the CDC recommending staying home and I’ve watched from my apartment window as cars are still on the road traveling, I couldn’t help but think of ways to help not only keep me busy with work, but also when I don’t have work to do in the evenings. One thing I definitely snuck into the routine was doing three loads of laundry. You read that 100 percent right, Belles & Beaux. So without further chatting let’s hit the list:

  • Laundry
    • You can do small loads of laundry through the day. I actually had a crappy large amount that had kind of grown and seemed to multiply. So I did some small loads Monday.
    • If you don’t have any Lysol detergent on hand, just add a tiny bit of bleach in. Seriously be careful with this, I’ve messed up three tops. Two I don’t care about, one I’m going to have to dye back. But do it so you know that your clothes have been disinfected!
  • Eat healthy
    • Oh you think I’m crazy? No, I know you’re eyeing those chips that you don’t need to be eating the whole bag while you work from home. Do not do it. You are going to compromise your immune system.
  • Keep your routine
    • Again, you think I’m crazy? No. Keep yourself in your normal routine. Get to moving. Again, you’re going to compromise your immune system if you’re not keeping semi-active. I basically am still sticking to my work routine which is pretty awesome in some ways – except I need to learn to eat actual meals still. I’m not super active, but I was a little more active than normal on Monday.
  •  Stay Active
    • Do you already workout? Good! Keep it going.
    • Do you not workout? Guess what? You need to do some type of movement during this self quarantine because it’s going to keep your immune system going. I’ve been getting up and walking around my apartment because it’s been raining most days.
  • Don’t Stress Out
    • And by this I mean do your self care. Do a face mask, some yoga, something that is going to make you relax. The more you stress out about everything the more likely your immune system will not be thanking you. This will cause it to plummet.
  • Vitamins
    • If you aren’t taking them, then you need to be. Vitamin C is your best bet to help your immune system. Take it from someone who’s mom has literally told her a million times to take it. What your body doesn’t use your body will get rid of because Vitamin C is water soluble.

Seriously, we’re all going to go a little crazy. I certainly am adjusting right now as I finish day three. We’re home at my job until March 27th a this point. I hope that things die down and we can start getting back to some normalcy in the coming weeks. I hate having life on hold, but it’s what is best for those that are elderly, immunosuppressant, and children. So home I stay. And so should you, if you can.

Happy quarantining!


Trula Marie

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