The Vampire Obsession Is Real

And I don’t think I’ll really ever move past the vampire obsession, Belles & Beaux. It’s been around since I first watched Blade.

But today we’re taking a trip back in time to the time of Anne Rice and her vampires of New Orleans and ages old. I got into Anne much later than most and have slowly been making my way through the books. I just recently finished this one towards the end of last year – it seems weird considering that 2019 was just a couple weeks ago – and I’ve started in on Queen of the Damned.

The Vampire Lestat came in amongst my need to read as many vampire novels as I could get my hands on again since falling into the hole that is the All Souls Trilogy. But that is for another blog post all together and much later in the year since I have a few book recaps to do.

To be honest, a lot of this information would have been wonderful during Queen of the Damned as a movie. It seems like the writers of the script – of which I don’t believe Anne Rice helped with at any point – took a lot of the information presented about the two oldest vampires and then squashed it into their version of Queen of the Damned.

In this story, we follow Lestat’s search for knowledge of the vampire kind. He visits with Louie and his mother returns from her hiding. It’s in this book that we follow Lestat in his journey leading up to the grand concert in Death Valley where all hell breaks loose. Just as in the Queen of the Damned, the vampires are out for his death for sharing vampire secrets with the world in his songs.

But here you will find no Talamsca Society, no Jesse, absolutely none of what you see in the movie adaptation that mushes this book with its sequel. But in truth, I enjoyed reading it far more than I thought I would because there is the preconceived notion of how Lestat is from the movies. However, I absolutely have adored this book and learning more about Anne Rice’s vampires and their history.

Does it live up to the movie that partially carries its information? No, but the beauty of this book is that it stands alone. There have been rumors since I was in college that Anne Rice was in talks with some of the major networks to potentially do a series about her vampires, but this rumor has not been completely confirmed as no show has started rumored production and now network has released any news regarding anything related to The Vampire Chronicles.

Can I dream? Of course. Will it probably happen in my lifetime? No, because Anne Rice takes pride in her characters and won’t just let anyone have creative license over them. And as far as if you should take a dive into these books, do yourself a favor and do it when you know you have time to enjoy them and drink in every word because I have forgotten so much from this one since I started it over a year ago.

Ten out of ten, I would highly recommend this if you are into vampires and enjoy a good and thorough story that constantly pulls the lore into perspective.


Trula Marie

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