Happy 2020, Belles & Beaux!

I know I went away for a few months, but I’m back and ready to celebrate. With what you might ask?

Well per southern tradition, I spent New Year’s day cooking and making myself black eyed peas and cornbread. I’m not a big greens person but managed to get some in via salad. But more importantly, I know like cornbread.

Cornbread -despite how closely related in the food world it is to bread and hush puppies – is typically only made with corn meal, egg, and milk. Some people will make Mexican Cornbread, but I haven’t been all that much of a fan of it. Actually, to really be honest I have never liked it. I mean, I should because I absolutely love hush puppies. And those are basically fried chunks of cornbread. However, I still just can’t. It has no flavor.

Thus, the birth of Hush Puppy Cornbread. I’m sure someone else has had this wonderful idea but my recipe is specifically made for that person who doesn’t want a huge pan of cornbread to go to waste but you still want it because let’s face it we all deeply love bread on some level.

But you may also be asking yourself: why do you eat cornbread as part of your first meal of 2020?

Well, that answer is extremely simple as this started during the Civil War. The color of cornbread – a lovely gold color thanks to the egg you add to the batter – reminds southerns of gold, and it also symbolizes what we would like to attract in the coming year. Whether it be a ring on the finger or extra spending money for the year, cornbread is meant to be the manifester of these thoughts. So give me all the cornbread because I would really like some extra money this year so that I can shower some happiness on my favorite charities and my friends.

You’re more than welcome to google the whole story behind each piece of the tradition, but I decided to focus on the cornbread because that’s the recipe I’m sharing. I didn’t get really fancy with the rest of my meal other than making sure that I had my pork in my black eyed peas. I honestly only ate a spoonful of them, but they’re taste is not my favorite so I think a spoonful counts.

Bon Appétit!


Trula Marie

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[recipe title=”Hush Puppy Cornbread” servings=”3-4″ time=”45 minutes” difficulty=”Beginner Easy”]

A super simple and easy recipe for a southern staple.

Credit: Me – for once
[/recipe-notes] [recipe-ingredients]
– 1/2 tablespoon of butter
– 1/2 tablespoon of shortening
– Half an onion – diced
– Sage – add to your taste preference
– 1 cup of corn meal
– 1 Egg
– Milk
[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]
1. Warm oven to 400°F/205°C. While oven is warming, add cornmeal and sage to bowl. Add your egg, and then slowly start to add milk to the mixture until you have a consistency that is thin enough for about a eight second consistency. Essentially the mixture should be thin enough to pour into your skillet but not thin enough to look like soup. If you live in the South and know the drop biscuit consistency, then it’s a little past that but not much.
2. Once your oven is warm, add your 1/2 tablespoons of butter and shortening to your pan and let it warm in the oven until both are melted and bubbling. While this is happening add your onion to your mixture in the bowl and mix in thoroughly.
3. Once your butter and shortening mixture is bubbling, remove from oven and add cornbread mixture. Let bake for thirty (30) minutes.
4. Once the thirty (30) minutes are up, take your pan out of the oven. Grab a plate and hold the skillet with one hand while bracing the plate against the top. Flip over and your cornbread should come free easily. If it doesn’t, then you may have to grab a fork and slowly pry it from the pan.

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  1. Oooo I love a good corn bread! I once was watching a comedian talk about corn bread and it was hilarious! He said it should suck all the moisture out of your body 😂 idk if it’s on YouTube, it’s mark Lowry “cornbread” I might have to look for it when I’m home lol but you might like him Cos he’s a southern boy! Christian material but still funny!

    1. He might be on to something with the moisture thing. Maybe that’s why we really eat it to soak up the alcohol. Thankfully I wasn’t hung over so it was just good to eat.

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