So a while back (AKA last year), Belles & Beaux, I made a comment about my first Full Moon Market being far overwhelming and really what I had expected.

Well I rushed back to Nashville the weekend before Halloween for the last one of the 2019 year and this one was much better. I think I was really overwhelmed by how much was really there the first time and this time there was a lot less of a crowd. It was most likely due to the crazy weather of where no one was sure if it was going to be severe or not. So it was really nice to be able to make it through the building without fear of being in a throng of people. I just don’t like tight spaces, y’all. Never have and never will.

Now, the Full Moon Market is something that was started by the lovely people that have ExtraOrdinary Oracle where I got my amazing tarot deck with the killed art on it. The idea behind it is to get more of the cool magickal people into the open and get vendors out there for people to find them. Of course, I adore it because the last few times I’ve been my favorite crystal sisters at Southern Crystal Company have also been there so it’s nice to get to catch up with them.

I’m still waiting for them to announce if there will be more this year. If there is, then you will find them on the new calendar on the side of the blog for all the witchy/magkical things I go to this year. I figured it would be better to keep those kind of separate from the actual events that are more surrounded and centralized on the blog.

So keep your eyes out there if you’re interested in keeping up with those things!


Trula Marie

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