I Dove In Again Okay?

Happy Friday, Belles & Beaux,

We’re going to bring back Recent Listens with a bang because I’ve grown sick of my music – even on Spotify. So I have started listening to my podcasts again which includes my latest binge listen, Archive 81 . Plus I haven’t take a moment to finish a book this week but I promise that by next Friday I will have finished The Vampire Lestat and share my thoughts on it. 

If it’s not painfully evident, I enjoy podcasts that are about fictional things. Whether it’s discussing The Handmaid’s Tale  or telling a story about a fictional town like Limetown – which they still haven’t released the date for Season 3. Archive 81 is absolutely no different.

 I’ve completely binged Seasons 1-3 and have found the story extremely interesting as well as how the characters stories seem to be so intermingled which gives me the Game of Thrones vibe, but I absolutely love these stories. And I’m anxious to see where Season 4 will go later this year. Sadly there is no release date currently but I will make sure to add it to the blog calendar when I do find out the release date.

As I said, this fictional podcast reminds me somewhat of Games of Thrones but with a more modern tech vibe. To be honest, there probably isn’t a word to describe it really. In season one, Dan is hired by the Historical Committee of New York and is required to record everything he does within the archive. The archive is all on cassette tapes and must be played while Dan is recording. He’s unable to leave while doing this and is cut off from his friends and family other than the occasional phone calls that are also recorded. You see the recurring theme here? Everything must be recorded.

While Dan is recording and listening to these tapes, he doesn’t know that something more sinister is happening in the background – a ritual that brings back to life a creature. Season 2 follows the aftermath of the end of Season 1. Season 3 and 4 take a small detour from the story started in the first two season but they also tell us more about the world Dan has found himself in.

I honestly can’t wait for Season 5 to see where they will go with the story. Where I love the story of Dan, I’ve also enjoyed the story of Nicholas, Christine, and Static Man as Nicholas and Christine perform a ritual after their father dies.  Static Man comes in later but the guy has a killer sense of humor and a love for Popeye’s chicken.

This show is worth it if you love similar stories. There is also a short story that happens in a separate story line but is interesting in its own right as it follows Nicholas and Static Man on a trip to get Static Man a body. Am I going to tell you more about it? No. Go download the podcast if all this sounds interesting.

You can find Archive 81 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Radiopublic, Soundcloud, and Google Play.

Happy Listening!


Trula Marie

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