Not Just An Instagram Highlight

Hey, Belles & Beaux,

We’re gonna get a little mystical today, so if this isn’t in your wheelhouse just click out and come back tomorrow.  Because today we’re talking about not only a new highlight on the blog’s Instagram, but also a new thing that is going on here and in my life: Crystals.

Now why crystals? 

Well for those curious enough to stick around and read this, crystals are naturally formed in the Earth. Each crystal carries a different energy that interacts with our body’s energy. Don’t believe me that you body carries energy? Then humor me for a moment. 

Take your hands and hold them as if you were holding a ball between, the size is up to you as long as your palms are facing one another. Now move your hands in a slow motion outwards then back inwards towards one another. Are you palms getting warm? Turning red maybe? That is your body’s natural energy. We all have it. That’s that energy that causes you to feel off when something is going wrong or when you meet someone. It’s not that your being judgemental. It’s that your energy recognizes something in theirs that doesn’t sit right with you! Trust your gut, or more so your body’s unique energy.

As I said previously, all crystals carry a different energy that reacts with your energy. But you can’t just go to the store and buy any crystal you see. You need to go slow and take your time with choosing a crystal. Why is that? Because your body’s energy knows what kind of crystal you need. And it will lead you to what you need, not what you want. Now I will say one of the biggest things I have noticed when I’m shopping for crystals is that I’ll keep coming back to the same type. 

From there it’s a game of trying to find which one it is that I’m really drawn to. And when I mean type, I mean sometimes I’ll be drawn to a bowl of the same stone such as Rose Quartz. From there, I usually have to go through a few before I find the one for me. I do this by holding it in my left hand and focusing on it. For me, my palm starts to warm with the correct rock, but everyone is different. There are different techniques for this and you can google all of them or find them in reference books at your local bookstore.

How do I know what the crystal I have does?

Well, for this I highly suggest investing in a copy of the Crystal Bible. There are three versions as well as another version that separates them by color. This helps but it is an extremely shortened version of all three of the Crystal Bibles. I only own the first edition but it’s extremely helpful. There are more out there and you just need to find the book that’s right for you! 

There are also books out there that will teach you all the basics if you’re interested. I have one that I’m thoroughly enjoying but it’s not one of those that you sit and fully read in one go. I use it a lot for reference and might potentially sit and fully read it one day. But right now I use it for the information it provides in regards to crystals and how they work with my zodiac. Eventually I will most likely red it, but I want to finish my reading list.

What can crystals do for me?

Well, they can do whatever you need them to do for you as long as you chose the ones that your energy is drawn to and do your research. However, I will recommend getting a piece of regular quartz and a piece of selenite. Quartz can be charged to do whatever you want it to be while selenite is good for cleansing negative energies as well as keeping them from entering your space. I have a piece that I carry in my purse that is tumbled stone and is shaped like a heart which I use as a worry stone at work while I’m busy working. But I fully plan on investing in some to put over my door ledge in my apartment.

Happy Vibing!


Trula Marie

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