What The Actual Frick?!

Better late than never, Belles & Beaux!

The producers/writers of Game of Thrones utterly disappointed after episode four. I’m going to be brutally honest. There will be spoilers. I will talk about everything that happened this season. So you better buckle up and get ready for the ride.

Game of Thrones has pretty much taken up my life since one of my fraternity sister’s introduced me during a week where we were out of classes due to a snow storm. I have a Mother of Dragons t-shirt as well as Ghost, Jon, and Dany in the normal size Funko Pops. I also have a keychain version of Jon & Ghost that I keep at work as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed this show since I was introduced to it! So much so, that I actually started reading the books – I’m picking up book three soon – and have enjoyed the source material almost as much as I have loved the show.


Up until episode four, I was still loving Dany and Jon – despite the incest bit. Seriously, everything was setting up to be really good and then Dany went absolutely crazy! Obviously she’s not the Mad King’s daughter for nothing, but it turns out that Jon got all the sane Targaryen genetics after Rhaegar married Lyanna Stark.

Point being, I was still rooting for Dany up until she decided to go crazy on Jon and then King’s Landing. What the armies did to the people of King’s Landing – the armies of the North included – was sickening. In truth, Dany fulfilled exactly what her father almost accomplished before Jamie killed him. So really who’s the better person in this situation?

I would also like to say that I called Jamie being the one to lead Cersai to her death. I knew it was going to be him! I’m only hoping that the whole Azor Ahai prophecy gets explained much better in the books as it seems that the prophecy was brought up to bring the Red Woman into everything and then utterly discarded at the end of Season Eight with no resolution whatsoever. And this is my biggest call out against HBO’s stupidity: Do not bring something in if you aren’t going to wrap it up! It doesn’t have to be a pretty bow, but it needs to be wrapped up all the same.

Watching Jon make the difficult decision to kill Dany – even though he did still love her – literally had me in tears during the final episode. But then they basically send him back to the North to the Night’s Watch. However, I theory that since he didn’t seem to take the oath that he’s going with the Wildlings. There’s a huge theory running around that he’s just going to range through all of the North and keep to his oath, but I don’t think Jon could do that now. Especially with how he is so thoughtful and knows that the Wildlings aren’t bad people. There are always going to be people like the ones who killed him originally.

From what I’ve understood, HBO actually offered them three more episodes on top of the six and they refused. Now mind you, we had been told in 2018 that the episodes would almost be like mini-movies. However, this was not the case. The only episode that came near that was the battle against the dead – which in my opinion was most definitely scarier than the battle for Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I would really like to know what they would have done with the extra episode they were offered and if maybe it would have gone differently.

They only have been given the loose outline from George R.R. Martin, so I’m hoping this is not how the books will truly end. But we will have to see whenever he finally releases them.

All in all, the show was great but plummeted as many a great show has done when it has built up to this point.

Were you disappointed by the ending?

My Watch Has Ended,

Trula Marie

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