I Can’t Believe It

Happy Saturday, Belles & Beaux!

It’s my first Saturday post since the new blog schedule got announced. If you want to know when I’m supposed to be posting, then you can head over here and read up! If you don’t care and get notifications when I post, then just keep reading.

I’m still shocked that I have made it three years blogging with this blog. I’ve decided that for the fourth anniversary next year that there are going to be some major changes coming to the blog, which might include the dropping of the wordpress bit on the blog url. But for the third anniversary, I wanted to give you small run down of what will becoming to the blog for this anniversary.

Body Graph

If you follow the blog instagram, then you saw my post on Thursday about this. If you didn’t, then here’s your informational flyer.

myBodyGraph - Trula RockwellThis past Wednesday at UrbanGirl Happy Hour, Jules, Robyn, Katie, and I were discussing the body graph. Jules was doing everyone’s chart and I found it extremely interesting. Jules and I are both projectors, but I’ve been delving into mine just a little. I am finding this very resonating in reference to my life.

I am a Projector with Splenic Authority. What does this mean? Projectors are meant to guide people. The Splenic Authority means that I am very trusting of my instincts when it comes to things. Fun Fact: Jules was shocked that my top headspace was filled. This, according to her, is highly rare when it comes to the body graph.

Why am I telling you all this? It’s because I want to make this journey of becoming more aware with this and seeing where it can lead. This also means that I’m going to be taking y’all along with me in this journey. Jules is supposed to be sending me the titles of the books that she’s been reading so that I can pick them up and start delving into this. So be ready! This will become a regular thing.


I had mentioned this on Instagram stories a few months ago, but I have really been wanting to do a #GirlBoss type thing here on the blog. I’m surrounded by strong and talented Boss Babes so I really want to showcase that and also show that it’s not all about being an influencer or anything like that. I’m surrounded by women that are in so many different fields of work that I want to share that with all of you.

I’m working on getting the first one ready to go which will be with UrbanGirl founder and amazing realtor, Juliana (Jules) Cox. I adore her and she’s willing agreed to do this so I’m excited. I’m not sure whether it will be written or if it will be videoed yet, but as soon as I know y’all will know.

And that’s all I have for ya!

I’m not joking y’all. It’s a holiday weekend. I had to go to Ford yesterday and get my brakes and rotors taken care of. I spent Thursday night cleaning my apartment and I still don’t feel like I cleaned enough. I need to clean more and finish laundry. Which by the time you read this I probably will have taken care of most of this.

Happy Saturday, y’all!


Trula Marie

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1 comment

  1. Happy anniversary!!! I’m coming up on my fourth in a few months and I can’t wait!! I always think I’m going to get some changes happening but I never actually do lol

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