An Update

Happy Thursday, Belles & Beaux!

The last time we had a visit from my lovely succulents that I received while working at Tractor Supply was when I wrote my post on re-potting them. I actually was able to find a wonderful Miracle Grow mix for my second one and it’s worked a lot better than the mix my uncle suggested originally.

But my little guys have actually survived for almost a full year! Which means that I’m allowed to actually get more because I kept them alive for a full year.

And to be clear, I did lose some little guys in the transfer of my big ones. However, a great deal of them have survived and one has just gone crazy in his new pot. I totally want to get more at this point and time. Thanks to my favorite bar, Walden, and their social media, I discovered that there is a local place that actually sells succulents here in Nashville and I’m fully planning on checking it out… As soon as the rain and cold stop being a friends here.

No lie, last Thursday, the sun was shining when I went into work and then when I was leaving it was gone behind cloud coverage. As much as I complain about burning during the summer, I thrive better when there is sunshine to avoid. I need my vitamin D people.

My succulents 2019
My lovely green lovelies as of March 7. 

But all in all, I’ve loved having my succulents. Mostly my love for them comes from the fact that I can forget to water them and they don’t start dying within a week. I just give them a good soak when I happen to remember to, but only if I feel the top layer of soil is dry. This means that they’ve absorbed their water completely and they’re ready for another drink. I also water them until water pools in the tray below them so that I know they’re getting plenty. Usually within 24 hours, the tray is dry as a bone.

Having a little greenery that lasts 24/7, 365 days a year makes my life a little more enjoyable in the colder months when everything else is dead. Plus they take prominent place in the corner of my desk near my window so I can enjoy them when I’m actually utilizing my desk for why I wanted it: writing and being creative. Sometimes they really help me with that in some weird way. Which is why I can’t wait to add more to my collection.


Trula Marie

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