Home Decor: Local Edition

Happy Thursday, Belles & Beaux!

With the weekend fast approaching and spring actually starting to decide to somewhat show up, I can’t help but think about potentially doing some shopping for some more home decor pieces. One that I’m really considering is one that I saw at Home Goods a month or so ago that I’m really having regret for not buying the painting at the time. Hopefully it will be there and I can settle that regret this weekend while also filling a hole on a wall where there is just too much space open. But I’m not talking about large retailers in this post. Instead I want to share some of my favorite local places to go. However, as these are broad places I like to shop, there won’t be links!

Antique Malls

For someone like me who has an extremely varying taste in decor and a love for vintage – nothing is made better than vintage items otherwise they still wouldn’t exist -, shopping at antique malls is heaven on Earth or at least what I would consider as close as possible. A lot of my current furniture are pieces that have been passed down through my family so I’m used to picking out pieces that are cohesive with those that I already own. There’s actually a chair that I intend to have reupholstered once I figure out what color I want it to be.

But essentially the realm of vintage is where I live. My desk that I use – or try to – is a post modern style from like a Brady Bunch episode. Plus antique malls are usually where I find my favorite author Phyllis A. Whitney’s books if I’m lucky. So far I’ve only located one and I’m hoping to find more the next time I go to one. Right now the high priority on my list is to find a bar car.

Flea Markets

I know that this seems a little sketchy because some flea markets are sketchy. I won’t lie. I’ve been to many that feel sketchy. But Nashville happens to be home to some that incredibly awesome. Flea markets – unlike antique malls and stores – are far less “organized”. I put that in quotes because antique malls aren’t truly organized but they’re more organized because people display in booths that don’t have to be moved after every business day. Flea markets – unless it’s an indoor one that closes at night – are for every other weekend or once a month.

That means to actually find things you have to have the patience to dig through when going to a flea market. I highly suggest that if you decide to visit one that’s great to bring a few friends with you who know your tastes and help you look through things because you will miss some good finds if you don’t.

Facebook Market

This one is a little iffy. I just scored pay dirt when it came to my desk. I was looking and looking at different stores – that included retail and antique. I wasn’t able to find a single thing that I really liked. And then mom sent me a lovely picture of my desk that is now in the living room of my apartment. To say I fell in love the moment I saw it was an understatement. I was even more in love with the price of the desk – $20 USD. You can’t beat that!

Like I said, Facebook Market can be iffy and always do the transaction somewhere in public or take someone with you to meet – I completely suggest both in all honesty. Just be extremely choosy if you’re going to go with this route because people don’t always disclose flaws. But there are some amazing gems hidden in the market.

What are your favorite non-retail stores to shop for home decor?


Trula Marie

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