Indian Lilac & Clove Leaf

Hey, Belles & Beaux!

Product reviews have been missing lately and I figured this might be the perfect products to bring them back. I recently received my latest free VoxBox from Influenster. Now, if you’re new here, then you probably have no idea what Influenster is. It is basically a program/website where anyone can sign up and share their reviews on products. The more people who follow you on social media platforms, the higher your impact is. And the higher your impact number is the more likely you are to receive a VoxBox. All of it is 100% free and you receive the products free of charge to use and review.

Now in my latest box, I received Love Beauty and Planet’s shampoo and conditioner in the scent of Indian Lilac and Clove Leaf. But before we jump into the review, let’s talk about Love Beauty and Planet as a company.

Love Beauty and Planet are focused on being good for the Earth as well as good for us as human beings. Their bottles (and soon their caps) are made of recycled materials and can be recycled as well. Their formulas are made of “fast-rinse” technology so that you are spending less time in the shower. They claim to infuse their products with “organic and sustainable ingredients” that they source from various locations and they’re vegan. That’s a lot of things for one company, right? But to me, I can support a company that is all about making their carbon footprint as small as they possibly can.

The Shampoo

The only point this product really scored was the smell and the fact that it didn’t make may hair feel like straw. I love the smell of this shampoo. However, this shampoo did not make my hair happy. I kept with my normal washing routine to give it the best opportunity to actually work, and it failed me in the worst kind of way. I went home after washing my hair and the next day my hair already felt greasy and dirty. Worst part is I didn’t have any dry shampoo to use to help combat it.

By Saturday I was going insane and decided to come back up to the apartment so I could get ahead on some things here and get my hair washed. I tried the shampoo again thinking that it might be better a second go around and it wasn’t. I’ve still got the bottles sitting in my shower. Part of me is hoping that I might be able to dilute it with my regular purple shampoo but I know I’m not going to want to divert after the experience.

It also claimed to give hair more shine but I didn’t see it doing that to my hair at all. So, in all I would not recommend this shampoo if you’re like me where your hair tends to be finicky about the products you use on it.

The Conditioner

For me, the conditioner was nothing special. It was great but again I didn’t see much of a difference in the shine of my hair. The smell was yet again amazing but I really didn’t notice any change in my hair at all. Granted I know that I shouldn’t expect results after a couple washes, but I also don’t expect my hair to have a negative reaction to a product either.

So while I really wanted to love these products, they just didn’t do it for me. Now I just want to find a candle that smells like the shampoo and conditioner so I can enjoy the smell without having to wash my hair with either of them.

What products were you ready to love that failed you? Sensing a theme yet?


Trula Marie

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