Adventures in Cat Food Vol. 3

Hello, Belles & Beaux!

It’s been a while since I’ve done an update on Katherine – or Miss Katherine as she’s more well known. Despite being moved into my own place, it’s still a little too expensive to bring her up to Nashville to live with me. But I’m hoping in the next couple years that that will be changing big time!

She did, however, make the ride up with her grandma (my mom) to come visit for Christmas, and we spent the vast majority of it snuggling together. I never get tired of her snuggling up with me just because it’s rare to have her in such a lovey mood. I woke up multiple times with her just snuggled up on the body pillow next to me and her as close as she could get to me without basically lying on my face. For more of her cute antics, feel free to follow her on her own Instagram (@littlemisskatherine2012).

Part of the reason I’m writing this is to say that she is still around and will be turning seven in May. The main reason for this post is because we have officially found a food that works amazingly for her.

Introducing Tiki Cat by Tiki Pets. What I love most about this food is that it is grain free. Yes, Blue Buffalo’s was grain free as well, but I found that no matter what formula we gave Katherine, she was still getting sick. Plus, the chicken flavor – the only one she would eat – still wasn’t her favorite. So when it was time to get her more food, I talked to one of the employees at Petco and they suggested this food. They said that the pickiest of cats will like this, and Katherine is definitely a picky cat. What sold me beyond that was the fact that it was high protein and grain free. This is because I’m pretty sure that Katherine has a grain allergy. But as I said she was still getting sick on the Blue Buffalo but not as much.

Tiki-Pets-Food3Since starting her on the Tiki Cat, she has never seemed more energetic. She loves her food! She’s a grazer so she doesn’t eat full meals at once, but we keep her to a half a cup during the summer and one cup split during the winter. I can tell a major difference in her as well as her fur. She even lost the weight she’d gained on the Hill Science Diet food using the same feeding method.

I’m honestly in love with what this brand has done for Katherine, but for me as well. I’m not worried about her getting overweight and all that. I’m not worried that she’s going to get sick because something in her food is making her sick.

Now, I feed Katherine the food that is titled. She loves chicken but she also loves fish – specifically tuna. You cannot open a can of tuna around her without her wanting some. So it only seemed natural to get her a flavor that has both of her favorites mixed together. I was really worried that she wouldn’t like it, but I didn’t mind buying it due to the fact that Petco has the wonderful policy that if your pet doesn’t like it, then you can take it back to the store for a refund.

In the future, we – and by we I mean Katherine – might branch out to other flavors and maybe tempt her with some wet food, but for now Miss Katherine is pretty content with this food. I think one of my favorite parts about it is that it isn’t full on dry food. It’s dry for sure! But it has a very chewy like texture from what I’ve seen when she eats so that it’s easier to chew. I leave the dental work to her treats I give her.

But for the foreseeable future, Tiki Cat by Tiki Pets will definitely be sticking around in this household – as long as nothing changes in the food formula! And I cannot recommend it more if you have a picky eater on your hands as far as pets go. They go simple but in the best way possible.


Trula Marie

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  1. As a dog owner, I am always so intrigued by the eating habits of cats lol! My dog will basically eat anything you give him. But in university, I lived with some people who had a cat and she was just lovely! A full on diva but lovely all the same. And she was sooo picky with her food! It had to be in a specific coloured bowl, just the right mix of wet and dry, and only a specific brand/flavour. It is the strangest thing to me lol

    1. Not all cats are that picky. Katherine just has a flavor thing plus a potential grain allergy.

      I’ve had cats that will eat anything. Salem – one of my first cats – would eat Pringle chips if you gave them to her! But she was also a stray so she was going to get food where she could.

      Katherine doesn’t like people food unless it’s tuna. Meanwhile most of my other cats would eat bacon and the rest of our table scraps if given the opportunity.

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