I Do Things Backwards, Okay?

Happy Tuesday, Belles & Beaux!

I’m a book junkie. After discovering Outlander, I read the first book of the series and then set out to read the books before each new season. Which is why I haven’t started season four just yet because I haven’t gotten book four yet. I’m working on it, okay!

The Handmaid's TaleBut I’ve done the complete opposite with The Handmaid’s Tale. I am reading the book! I just happened to have binge watched both seasons of the show on Hulu before doing so. I have the book and I’m about halfway through but still, I probably should have read it before. However, I’m slowly working my way through it and will most likely finish it and the rest of the books I’m in the middle of over my long Thanksgiving weekend with mama.

And now, I’m thoroughly binge listening – other than when a new episode of Limetown is released – through The Handmaid’s Podcast. I’m late to the game, but this has become my favorite post-show podcast that I have discovered. I’ve only enjoyed one other one which was the Bite On This: A Vampire Diaries Podcast which sadly ended part way into season two. I most likely would have kept listening to them – even though I wasn’t watching the show.

The Handmaid's PodcastThe Handmaid’s Podcast is a weekly podcast that releases after the hosts watch the episode. In these episodes, they discuss possible future plot points as well as recap some fo the things that took place in the episode and compare them to the book as well. But they also relate what is going on in politics to what is taking place in the show as well as talking about the political side effects that the show could be having on today’s world.

The show in and of itself is amazing. But to have people doing a discussion on the episodes is really nice because sometimes I miss little things. So listening to this has been an amazing eye opener for me when re-watching the show. Each week the host and her guests watch the show and take notes before they meet up in the studio to talk about it. They’re very differing in their views on the show which makes for interesting debates, but they also include reviews/fan mail/comments from their facebook page on the topics in the show.

I have another podcast for the show I’m going to check out, but right now this one is the one to beat for me. I can’t wait for season three just to hear the discussions. Now for them to just announce when the new season will start.

What post show podcast is your favorite?


Trula Marie

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