Yeah, I Like To Binge Listen

So many podcasts, so little time, Belles & Beaus!

I literally just keep binge listening so I think I’m going to start doing them differently than how I have been recently since I keep doing it. Thus, on this beautiful sunny but muggy Wednesday in the South, I have decided to hit you with not just season two of Tanis but also season three. In the future, I’ll cover however many season I’ve listened to since I last reviewed the podcast.

If you have not read my first review and you haven’t listened to it, then please know that beyond this point are spoilers. I won’t say that there are a ton, but there is definitely a decent amount coming. So continue at your own risk.

Season Two

Where+is+Tanis_This season picked up after Nic and the rest of the group that had gone to “find” Tanis were found and returned to their lives – some a great deal worst for wear when they did.

Nic chose to begin working for Cameron Ellis,  Tesla Nova in an attempt to learn more about Tanis and what they termed the “breach”. However, things begin to get crazy when he delves deeper into the mystery of Tanis.

In the end, Nic finds himself in a crazy mess that has moved him closer to answers. He’s the navigator. And now the people that might be the most helpful to find answers are missing in action while Ellis is being more cryptic than ever, only to offer Nic exactly what he wants.

Season Three

From Tanis Podcast WebsiteNic returns giving us more questions than answers as he delves into deciding if he should take Ellis’ offer to rejoin the research at the station with more access than he’d had before in season two.

Diving deeper into the mystery brought to light Nikola Tesla’s involvement in Tesla Nova’s involvement with the breach.  At the season goes on, we still continue to receive cryptic answers to questions that should be easily answerable.

Nic continue to travel deeper down the rabbit hole, with cult members being released from prison and soon following is Ellis’ decision to revoke Nic’s access to the walled area of the breach and Pacifica Station. All this world created before us in spoken words is cultivating…. To an ending that I could have never expected.

My Verdict?

I’m still addicted. And I cannot wait to finish listening to season four which will most likely be finished by the weekend and I can share it with you all here. To be honest, I’m not doing this podcast justice. It will drive you insane with the constant questions and I hardly summarize it decently as the information is a lot to digest at any given time.

What podcast has sucked you in recently?

Keep looking!

Trula Marie

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