Hold The Toppings!

It’s been a while since I shared a recipe, Belles & Beaus, so I figured I’d share one that is absolutely my favorite for during the summer. It’s a no bake recipe and requires minimal effort to put together. You could be fancy and make the crust yourself, but mama and I just simply buy the Great Value Brand Graham Cracker crust. There are instructions on how to make your own all over the internet. I’m just giving you the recipe we use for the filling.

I highly suggest using a glass or stainless steel bowl when mixing this just because it’s one of those that is really flavorful and can be absorbed into a plastic bowl very easily. You can add a scoop of Country Time Lemonade mix into the pie filling if it isn’t sour tasting enough for you, but usually this is enough for me.

What’s your favorite no bake summer recipe?


Trula Marie

[recipe title=”Lemon Icebox Pie” servings=”2 pies” time=”30 minutes or less” difficulty=”easy” image=”https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1786/43119463761_a8e94c788b.jpg” description=”An easy no bake pie recipe for those warm summer days.”]

My Baking Tips: The recipe is goof proof so just follow the instructions! I do highly suggest using a stainless steel or glass bowl for mixing though!

Credit: My Mama
[/recipe-notes] [recipe-ingredients]
– 2 cans of Sweeten Condensed Milk (We use Eagle Brand)
– 1 regular size Cool Whip (thawed)
– 1 container of frozen lemonade (thawed)
[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions]
1. In your bowl, add the cool whip and lemonade thawed. Beat until blended together with a whisk.
2. Open and add the two cans of Sweeten Condensed Milk to the mixture and mix with whisk until all is blended together, making sure to get the cool whip on the edges as well.
3. Distribute the mixture evenly between the two pie crusts and refrigerate. In a few hours, they’ll be all good to eat!

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