And Why It’s So Important

Hey, Belles & Beaus!

I’m back today with an important message: please take care of yourself.

I shouldn’t be one to talk about this because I absolutely suck at doing this. Right now I’m at the Panera near work and trying not to go postal on their twitter because the crazy people in charge of their menu decided to take away my regular grilled cheese and exchange it for a stupid four cheese grilled cheese on whole wheat bread. Y’all, it’s just ain’t right!

First they came after my sweet tea and now they’re coming after my grilled cheese! Next thing I know, they’ll be getting rid of their chicken noodle soup. And yes I’m being whiny after the night I had last night.

Full blown migraine last night when I finally tried to go lay down and get some blogging done. Now, I know on some level that it’s probably my fault because all I drank yesterday was sodas and had pizza for dinner. Definitely my fault completely because I don’t like to drink water all the time. I also know that it probably has a lot to do with me not working out as well. So that’s getting put on the “need to fix ASAP” list.

Essentially, self-care is super important. You might not think it is, but dang is it. I don’t usually realize it until something like last night happens. So I ended up going to bed early last night. Tonight, however, is going to be a late night because of bowling. But I’ll survive.

This weekend is full of self-care though! Saturday, I go to see my stylist and get my hair back to my beautiful silver. I really thought I could handle waiting til mid July, but sadly the growth is killing me so better to get it done while I’m home this weekend. I also plan on doing some cathartic cleaning. My room at home is tragically a mess and I also need to start cleaning up to be able to move into my own place in the future. So I figure, start cleaning and packing some now so that I can slowly move in until all I need is all my big stuff. Or vice versa. To be honest, I can live on what little wardrobe I have currently until everything is here.

I also want to get my car cleaned out and reorganized – again. I keep doing this almost every time I go home and it never seems to stick to be honest. I really just need to take everything out that isn’t important in my car so that I can have more space. My backend looks like a mess right now because I’m still living out of my car on some level. I’m ready to be at the point where I’m not like that all the time anymore.

But self-care is important, y’all. You need to take time to do something for yourself at least once a week if not every day. I use blogging as my escape usually unless it’s really late at night and I need to get my sleep in for work – which is still going amazing! However, you really need to make sure you’re doing something for yourself. Best part, it doesn’t have to involve spending any amount of money!

Free Self Care Ideas:

  • Read your favorite book (again obviously!)
  • Write your feelings down on a sheet of paper
    • Burn if you feel like it’ll help
  • Catch up on all your favorite YouTubers
  • Watch your favorite show
  • Do some yoga
    • Just look up some youtube videos for this. I highly recommend Namaste Yoga. It’s my favorite.
  • Go on a walk
  • Ride a bike
  • Listen to your favorite music – I binge Stevie Nicks and Florence + The Machine regularly
  • Cuddle with your pet – Miss Katherine absolutely hates this but she lets me do it when she can tell I’m stressed

What’s your favorite thing you do for your self-care? Comment below & share!


Trula Marie

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  1. Omg I can’t believe with grilled cheese really?! Oh no please don’t say no soup. They better not mess with the Mac and cheese! Thank your for sharing these self care tips. I’m definitely a reader and binge YouTube kind of person.

    1. I know right! I just hate having to customize it just to get what I want. But I could always order the kids menu one! Hopefully they won’t touch either because their Mac and cheese is my fave!

  2. Self care is so often over looked as being self-indulgent and unnecessary but its sooooo definitely needed! Treat yourself lovely! And have a great weekend

      1. Good for you! I have to work on Saturday like always but that’s my last day at that job then it’s a 3-day weekend here for Canada Day. I’m on my two week break so I totally forgot but oh wells haha

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