We Changed Again

Happy Fri-yay, Belles & Beaus!

I know it’s been a while since we talked cat food and I felt like it probably wouldn’t hurt to do it again. I know I probably don’t have as many cat moms as dog moms following the blog but this can still be helpful in general for pet parents because it’s about paying attention to what you pet seems to like and doesn’t bother their stomachs if they have sensitivities.

Though Miss Katherine is still having moments of getting sick, it’s mostly from her furballs while losing her winter coat. So to be honest, I wish she was here because I’d brush her every morning and night so that this wasn’t such an issue for her – this hopefully won’t be an issue much longer. But we’re still keeping a close eye on seeing if she’s doing better with her new foot. And right now she seems to really be doing better!


Now I haven’t noticed a change in her weight, just because she’s not a cat that likes to be picked up. She’s more of a “I’ll crawl in your lap when I want attention” type cat. Which is fine to some degree with me. I get plenty of snuggle time when it’s just the two of us in my bedroom so I’ll deal. But she honestly wasn’t that heavy to begin with, it was just really the amount of weight she’d packed on physically – way more than she needed during the winter for sure. So I’m hoping this will help her keep the weight off. I might also have to go to scheduled feedings with her as she likes to graze on her food, but that will have to wait.

Essentially, giving them a new food to try doesn’t hurt and it could really help them as well. Blue Buffalo is grain free and right now we have her on the chicken weight control. They have other foods that are much more basic but right now I want to see how she does on this for a year before making any dietary changes again. I also plan on getting her fixed soon and with that I’ll have the vet check her out and see how she’s doing as well.

I hope y’all enjoy your Friyay! I know I’m definitely ready for the weekend!


Trula Marie

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