Do Not Listen When Alone & It’s Dark

Welcome back, Belles & Beaus, to my recent listens.

Last time I talked about S-Town, a podcast based on a true story. This week we’re taking a trip to Limetown, TN, a fictional town in my home state. You wanna talk about something that will freak you out? The first episode literally will make you believe every single thing is real in the beginning. It isn’t! Don’t believe it! But I absolutely warn you now do not under any circumstances listen to this while you are alone and in the dark.

I say this for those who are like me and can handle most horror movies and such, yet this shook me to some degree. There was a gun shot in one of the episodes. I had it playing loud – probably louder than I should have – in my car on the way home and literally felt like I was the one who got shot. My head hurt for a little while and I did jump. This was despite the unintentional warning at the beginning of the episode.

You’ve been warned. Also, I have not been paid or compensated in anyway for this review. I chose to write about this after finishing the first season.

The Story of Limetown

Ten years ago, over three hundred men, women and children disappeared from a small town in Tennessee, never to be heard from again. American Public Radio reporter Lia Haddock asks the question once more, “What happened to the people of Limetown?”

No one in this show – as we are led to believe in the beginning – knows what happened in the town when the panic began. No one was allowed in. And then suddenly the people keeping everyone out just packed up and left. For ten years, the town has sat abandoned and no one knows why.

But Lia Haddock – who believed her ties to the town stopped with just her estranged uncle that lived there – finds herself diving into this story head first and she’s bringing us along with her.

My Thoughts on Season 1

I gave y’all a little taste up in the beginning of this post, but my opinions of this podcast are pretty high right now. I’m late to get on the train – quite obviously because it came out in 2015. However, it was recommended to me at some time in the last year. I decided to download it but have been finishing other podcasts before I jumped in as I wanted to focus on it when I wasn’t excited about another podcast update.

So like Lia Haddock, let’s jump right in.

I found the story behind this podcast to be what drew me in the most in the beginning. Conspiracy theories and mysteries are a hobby of mine, if not evident of my MCU conspiracy theory post. I love looking at the logic of things behind mysteries and conspiracy theories.

Listening to this podcast literally had me on my toes. Usually I try not to listen to podcasts that are going to put me on edge. We work in cubicles where I work so it’s pretty easy to sneak up on someone if you wanted to. Thankfully, the way my computer is set up I can actually not be snuck up on so I’m good, but still this podcast had me jumpy.

The story starts with Lia talking about the case and her visiting the town itself when someone claiming to be survivor or “citizen” of the town reaches out to her friend that took her to the town. From there she begins meeting more citizens, each coming out of the wood work to tell her their parts of the story. After speaking with the first citizen, it becomes evident that someone doesn’t want her finding out the truth and putting it out into the world.

The show takes a drastic turn at the end when Lia goes to meet with a citizen that has the final answers of why everyone was at Limetown and what their job was there. Sadly it does not go as Lia and her producers had hoped. I fear I’ll tell to much if I say too much more. So please, if me just writing this and putting it out there for you, my readers, has gotten you interested, then you can find it in the iTunes podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and many other places that you get your podcast fix.

A small reminder that the Limetown podcast can also be found on their website,  Here you can also find updates on the podcast, including the date of its return. Hint, it’s my favorite holiday.

What podcast hooked you deep like Limetown did me? Comment down below!


Trula Marie

PS. It’s my birthday today so if I do not respond to comments or get them approved until tomorrow, please do not think I’m being horrible!

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