Luke, You Are Not The Father

Happy Tuesday, Belles & Beaus!

Today, I’m doing a very long overdue review on Star Wars: The Last Jedi. As much of a self-proclaimed Star Wars mega-fan I am, I was unable to avoid one certain spoiler that broke my heart. I promise the subtitle is not a spoiler. It was just really funny because as I was trying to come up with a subtitle I heard the Darth Vader bit of “Luke, I am your father” in my head so I thought I’d turn it around. But I will spoil this much for you: Rey is not a Skywalker in any sense of the name. I think we were all hoping that she would be related somewhere to the Jedi families. They have chosen to make her a non-relative as to show that you don’t have to be born into a Jedi family/force sensitive family line to actually be force sensitive. So there you go, my one little spoiler if you haven’t seen the movie yet.

Some of you might remember my talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens and how I talked about my tears of pain when they had Ben Solo (portrayed by Adam Driver) kill his father, Han Solo (portrayed by Harrison Ford). I vaguely remember telling you all that a five year old boy sitting in front of us made fun of me for crying.

This movie did not move me to tears as it was kind of like a… Finding peace in a world of chaos type ending. Was I prepared for the ending? Hell to the nah. Was I okay with the ending? Most definitely. But I’m putting the cart in front of the horse now.

At the beginning, we open up with the Resistance evacuating from their base where we last left them in The Force Awakens. Billie Lourd (Carrie Fisher’s daughter) had a bigger role in this movie and I was sooooooo proud of her. But her character is arguing with someone at the beginning about getting the transports loaded with people more so than munitions. As they are arguing, the First Order shows up. In space, Poe Dameron (Oscar Issacs) is distracting the First Order and ends up getting demoted for a stunt he pulls once the fleet has gotten away from the First Order via lightspeed. Carrie Fisher got to slap him and I enjoyed hearing Oscar’s memory of that during an interview after her death because they did it like 40+ times until the director felt they’d gotten it right.

Meanwhile Rey is on the planet where Luke has been hiding – I’m pretty sure I missed the name entirely due to all my excitement – and is trying to convince him to come back with her and Chewbacca to help the resistance against Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). Well, he basically keeps avoiding her until Chewie breaks the door down of his hut and all that. Eventually Luke ends up on the Falcon and talks with R2-D2. My favorite droid – sorry BB-8 – essentially guilts Luke into some level of understanding that Leia either needs him or another Jedi. So he reluctantly agrees to teach Rey three lessons and show her why the Jedi Religion must die.

While she is there and the last of the Resistance is trying to escape the First Order that somehow managed to track them through lightspeed – turns out this is supposed to be impossible to do and yet they did it -, Rey is also experiencing moments of the Force bringing her and Kylo Ren to talk with one another. However, Kylo cannot see where she is while she can see where he is. Basically she gets tricked and that’s where I’ll leave you on that front.

The Resistance manages to get to an old abandoned base on a mining planet from during the war against the Empire. I’m going to diverge a moment and say that I want one of the crystal foxes that were in this bit. They’re way to freaking cute. Forget the ugly little porgs! I want crystal foxes and ewoks! But anyways, the Resistance is now sending out distress signals for help while the First Order land on the planet and begin attacking them again.

And this is where I will leave you because I don’t want to spoil it. I don’t know how I’ve managed to so far, but I have and I really want you to go watch it if you are a Star Wars fan and haven’t seen the movie.

I personally waited for it to be released on DVD because I was deathly afraid that they were going to kill Leia off – before Carrie died that is – and now I’m wishing they had. However, this movie made my little Star Wars loving heart sore. They brought Yoda back as another Force Ghost which made me extremely excited. Everyone else could have died in the movie and I would have been so happy just because they brought Yoda back. Not really, but you get my drift.

So definitely put this on your watch list if you are a Star Wars fan. If you’re not but are into movies that are action but have decently structured plot lines, then definitely give these movies a taste. But I would highly suggest starting with Episodes 4-6, not just jumping in on these.

Have a happy Tuesday, y’all!


Trula Marie

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