Anna Kendrick, I love you!

And I hope you never see this…

Good morning, Belles & Beaus!

Today I’m back with my latest recent read, Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick. And, God, I pray she never sees this ever. My luck, she will and I will never be okay with it if I ever meet her. Let’s be honest, I most likely won’t be meeting her ever so I think we’ll be okay. One more honest moment, I hope she never sees this because I would be embarrassed, not because it was a bad read. It wasn’t! But because I’m about to launch into an extreme fawning moment.

“Why is that, Trula?” you might be asking as you read. And I’ll tell you.

I seriously have never heard of someone feeling the same way I did growing up. I was far from everything else the girls I grew up with in my super small town. I was never boy crazy. I was a late bloomer. My boobs never got to the C cup they are until towards the last bit of college. I didn’t slim up until my junior year in high school. I was the girl that everyone ignored. Now there were others, I wasn’t alone, but still I wasn’t one of those that sat with the popular kids.

So I give her a lot of awesome points for being scrappy at a young age. I just didn’t understand why people didn’t like me and never wanted to play with me – yet would be my friend when the “popular” kids weren’t around at like our dance classes or something. High school was the same pretty much but I didn’t have much issues by that time because I could easily avoid most of them because I was in some advanced classes during that time. Though choir seemed to hold most of them – along side the teacher her was extremely rude to my mother one year because she was going to force me into a class with a group of women who hated me. By the way, she also let them do “Defying Gravity” from Wicked the year I wasn’t in choir, knowing that I had requested us to do it before. Tell me that’s not just a teacher being the rudest human being. Also, I don’t care if she sees this. Names aren’t mentioned, and she doesn’t deserve any praise for my choir career advancing during college because she wasn’t really helpful in that aspect at all.

Now that I’ve rambled about my horrible school experience in childhood, let’s get back to Anna’s book. To be honest, she did an amazing job at writing it. It’s not boring at all, more like a conversation being had between two people. To put it bluntly, it really feels like I’m just sitting with her on the couch at her house, having drinks, and listening to her talk about it all. She doesn’t use proper punctuation and writes a lot like me. And I’m totally okay with this. I want to meet her in person now. I’m not going to lie.

Learning about her performing on Broadway as a child has hit me with some serious envy. Granted, I didn’t have the attention span to really do much theater as a child (12 and younger). My mother still fondly tells the story of how I was part of the Christmas production at our small church when I was about five. I would run around the room until it was time for me to do my part, step up to the mic, do my line, and then run around the church again. I didn’t do this the actual night we performed, I promise.

But Anna goes on to say that she went on to explain that she chose to pursue the career without ever going to college. You go, Anna, because I could have never done that. I really couldn’t have. Acting is your wheelhouse and I adore hearing you sing. I will continue to enjoy your career as long as you are acting.

She goes on to detail her first years in Hollywood, talking about the independent films that she’s worked on as well as many other projects. She tells of her relationships, friendships, and her first awards ceremony. Literally, a look behind the curtain is the best thing ever, but also it’s nice to see that Anna has kept pretty calm and down to earth over the years.

Getting a look into the life of someone that you might imagine to be different than what you see only to find out that they’re pretty much exactly how you’d always hoped they were makes for a good read. I honestly had to force myself to take breaks to get work and stuff done. I literally love good books and when I can’t put it down, you know I’m really into it.

One day, maybe I’ll get Anna to sign it. Who knows. But I hope you’ll give it a try! It’s definitely interesting and different than any biography or autobiography I’ve ready before.

What’s your favorite autobiography/biography?


Trula Marie

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1 comment

  1. I hope Anna DOES see this because I want you to get to meet her and get a signed copy of one of your favorite books! Thank you so much for recommending this to me and I cannot wait to read it myself now! So excited to keep reading your posts and comment on them now! 🙂

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