The Most Anti-Climatic Yet Interesting Podcast I’ve Heard

Happy Wednesday, Belles & Beaus!

I have officially finished listening to S-Town. This podcast was amazing in the beginning but has left me utterly frustrated with its ending. However, this does not mean that I don’t think you should listen to it. I truly believe that you should and give it a try. I had to fight to get through the ending of it, but I absolutely loved the story behind it.

S-Town‘s official website has this to say about the podcast:

S-Town is a new podcast from Serial and This American Life, hosted by Brian Reed, about a man named John who despises his Alabama town and decides to do something about it. He asks Brian to investigate the son of a wealthy family who’s allegedly been bragging that he got away with murder. But then someone else ends up dead, and the search for the truth leads to a nasty feud, a hunt for hidden treasure, and an unearthing of the mysteries of one man’s life.

Kind of draws you in, right?

I didn’t listen to this because I discovered it on my own. It was actually recommended by one of my co-workers. So I took the advice and decided to listen to it when I finally got caught up to the current episodes of Serial Killer by Parcast Network. So I jumped into the seven episode podcast last week.

The episodes are about an hour long each and I pretty much powered through most of them at work in one day. I meant to pick up on it and finish Monday, however I forgot to bring my headphones to work with me like I usually do. Yesterday, I remembered and packed them in my purse so that I could finally hopefully wrap the mystery up.

I’m not going to ruin anything but I will say there are some potential triggers such as talk of suicide and so on. So please proceed at your own personal discretion. It’s an interesting way to put life into perspective. For a podcast that starts with research into a potential murder, this turns into a life discussion towards the end.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have probably selected this myself if I’d researched the millions of potential spoilers. I will be honest and tell you that this is completely true. You can look up the maze that’s mentioned in it – Bing has the better image but you can’t search it by the coordinates like you can on Google Maps. It’s amazing when you see it via the maps and I can only imagine what it looks like in person.

The town that is described in the podcast episodes doesn’t shock me. I’m from The South. I get it. I get how the town functions. It’s a small town in The South. And not just anywhere in The South. It’s a town outside the city of Birmingham, Alabama. If you know the history of Alabama, then you know what I mean by all that. Everyone in this town knows everyone. You can’t go to town without seeing someone that you know. The same with church. The worst thing about this is because everyone knows everyone’s business.

This town… This town will blow you away if you aren’t used to it. Just trust me, give it a listen.

Have a wonderful hump day!


Trula Marie

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  1. oooo you can listen to things at work?! That’s awesome!! hehe I wish I had the time and personality to listen to podcasts. Like, I’m sure I’d enjoy them but I can’t just sit and listen. I have to be doing something, ya know? I was even having a phone conversation the other day and, even though I was fully invested in what the person was saying, I couldn’t just sit there and talk – I was doodling in my date book. It has a nice little design on the top of each page and I literally copied the whole thing over 3 pages lol

    1. Oh I listen while I’m running reports and doing things on my computer for my boss, so I’m usually busy while I listen. I finished the first season of Limetown last night – do not do what I did and binge alone in a house in the dark, BAD IDEA.

      If I’m not at work, I’ll listen to one that’s not too creepy while I go on my walk in the evenings. It helps me stay focused instead of listening to everyone else talking around me.

      1. I would listen while walking to/from work but it’s literally a 2.5 minute walk, 7 if I take the long way haha. I tried audiobooks while I crocheted a blanket a few months ago but I couldn’t focus on both and felt like I lost the story while trying to focus on what my hands were doing.

  2. I was so disappointed in the end. Very anti-climatic. Still, I did like it as a whole. Its amazing how you get sucked into the “characters.” I googled what the results were in the case against Tyler and that frustrated me also. I feel like John would be so disappointed in what’s happening in his life.

    1. Most likely, but you can only do so much to be honest. Learned that the hard way with my family. It’s sad that Tyler’s being put through this, but then again I still agree with his skepticism of the cousins. You don’t go straight to the house. You go straight to the hospital. Doesn’t matter what side of town you come through. Personal and (most likely) unpopular opinion for that last bit.

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