I Have One of Those Now

Hey, belles & beaus!

So I don’t think this counts as a life update post because it’s really not one. I just wanted to talk about my cute new little bunch of plants at my desk. Yes, I mean succulents. Perks of work I guess. A lot of people around the office have their own little plants and I’m kind of excited to have one of my own.

I was honestly really going to attempt to be a florist with fake flowers next weekend and just put together a little fake rose thing, but this is kind of even better. However, I have never owned a succulent before. I have heard that they are low maintenance depending on the kind and those are honestly the kinds of plants I need in my life. The less that it has to depend on me for the better!

So obviously, once receiving the above bundle of simple joy, I started researching.

Green Succulents Can Survive in Low Light Situations

Did you know that? I didn’t know that until I started researching to be honest. Mine are a little mix of green and some pretty purple red, so we’ll see how this goes. I might have to bring them home instead of leaving them at work. I might also have to get more if I manage to keep these alive!

Colored succulents require basically all day light absorption while the green ones can handle less hours or live under a growing light!

No Daily Watering

This is definitely fantastic news to me. I suck at reminding myself to take my vitamins daily. How the heck am I supposed to remember to water a plant daily? I know y’all are thinking “Well then how do manage to take care of Miss Katherine?” Y’all, she won’t let me forget to take care of her. It’s hard when she’s meowing for me to do it. Plants don’t do that!

So therefore, these little buddies are going to be my favorite next to cacti. You don’t have to water succulents daily! I watered mine Thursday just so I can start my own system now. I plan to water it again on Monday when I come in and then on Friday before the weekend. I figured that might be a good way to test out how much water these guys need!

According to one of the articles I read, they prefer to be root soaked and then dry out for a few days. So as of Thursday, I have soaked their roots pretty well and am letting them chill until Monday. You should also keep an eye on the soil. Depending on how fast it dries is how often you should water them. So if it takes two weeks for the soil to dry up then that’s how often your succulent needs to be watered.


Okay, so I didn’t know this before I decided to water them. You have to rehome these guys into a new pot! So, I’m hoping to get this done over the weekend so that I can take my little guys back to the office and have them a happy space! Basically this all goes back to what they like as far as watering goes.

They need a soil that dries quickly even though they love their roots soaked! To help with this you can put rocks in the bottom – which technically I was taught you were supposed to always do for potted plants – and then add the soil on top. They require a gritty type soil which, according to Country Living, you can attempt to make on your own. However, I decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to hit up a store to find the right kind.

Glass bowls have been give then disapproval due to the drainage issue. The pot you select needs to have holes in the bottom so the excess water can drain out. Which means you will need one of those under trays for your pot. You can still find cute ones!

I really want to keep the one my little guys are in so I might see if I can’t get someone to drill some holes in it for me when I go home the weekend of St. Patrick’s Day. But I’ll get a temporary home for them in the meantime.

Wait! It’s Not Dead!

If you are pulling dead leaves from near the soil, then you’re fine! You haven’t killed you little guys yet. It is when they start dying towards the top of the plant that you have lost all hope and should toss them. I mean you could try to save them, but you would have to pinpoint the issue that caused it.

Hopefully if you’re reading this, then you’re going to use the information I’m providing you here and the reference links that I have included for where I’ve found my information to actually not kill your plants. I’m hoping I still have some of a green thumb to keep these guys alive.

All in all, I hope y’all found this information helpful. And I promise I’ll keep y’all updated to how my dear little guys are doing.

Have an awesome weekend, y’all!


Trula Marie

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