A Song of Ice And Fire Book One

Hey belles & beaus!

I’m back with a recent read and I can say without a single doubt, I actually still prefer the books better than the actual show. I have said this for the Bitten series that SyFy had, Outlander on Stars, and now for Game of Thrones on HBO.

As a fan of the show who has seen all seven seasons so far and am currently reading the books before the new season will start, I will not only be giving my opinion on the book but the comparison to season one. Fair warning, there are spoilers for the show in this if you haven’t watched sooooo read at your own risk.

Jon Snow

I’m absolutely in love with Book!Jon. He’s so freaking sassy that I kind of wish Kit was a little more sassy in the part. Plus, Jon just upright hating Theon? I could have used that in the show. I mean, at the end he does end up disliking him when we get to season 7, but still, disliking him earlier on would have made my day!

Thankfully they didn’t downplay how much Catelyn Stark hated him though. I know it sounds horrible, but I enjoyed it to a point because it’s like: Woman, did you not know your sister by marriage’s looks well enough to recognize how much Jon doesn’t favor Ned? I mean, show wise Kit has a little bit a favoring to Sean, but in the books I doubt he looked that much like Ned.

Towards the end, Jon starts to lose his sassy spunk that I like but it’s to be understood. He’s found out the truth about the Night’s Watch and the only people he can be sassy to is his friends that he’s made. It took a little more convincing to drag him back when he ran off to go join Rob and them. So you can already see him becoming the leader that we’ve started seeing in the show.

Daenerys + Drogo

Okay, first off, I absolutely loathe HBO for what they did at the end of the first episode with Daenerys and Drogo’s marriage consummation. We’re left believing that Drogo essentially rapes her at the end of the show. Guess what y’all! He doesn’t. The whole no thing is because he knows she’s frightened to death of him. By the time he’s done, Daenerys tells him yes and I would like to go on to assume that it was enjoyable for her because their relationship in the book is a million miles different from how it was show on the show! Like they were completely in sync unlike how they begin in the series. This is true all until Drogo’s death and he’s burned on the pyre – which is how both the show and book end. I feel that Drogo’s death was much more impactful in the show than in the book… Or maybe it’s just because I’ve cried over it so much I’ve become desensitized to the pain of losing Jason from the show. Though Dany definitely seems to find her inner Dragon a whole lot faster than she did in the show.

Sansa + Joffery

Eh, I put these together because I didn’t have much thoughts on them other than Joffery is most definitely worse in the books than he was in the show. He comes off much more the spoiled brat in the first book than he did in the first season. We didn’t really see his true colors til almost the close of Season 1 of the show where as the book pretty much has it front and center when he is mentioned. Or at least that is how I see it.

Sansa’s reaction to her father’s death is much more detailed in the book, especially her process of grieving. It was very much more in-depth of how she grieved in comparison to the little bit we were shown in the show. Her defiance though is much better than in the show and she fights back a little bit more. Definitely more of a sassy Sansa.

Robb, Cat, and the King in the North Outcry Stuff

I don’t know what to label this section. A lot of the stuff was the same as in the show for me but what really stuck out to me was the way Robb and Cat are portrayed in the book. They’re much closer and Robb seems to rely heavily on his mother in private. It also struck me as interesting that there were many more voices in the argument for peace prior to them claiming Robb Stark the King in the North. I mean I could have easily missed things in the show, but I felt there were more in the discussion than in the show.

All in all, I absolutely loved reading the books and I honestly can’t wait to get the next book so that I can start reading it!

I hope y’all have an awesome Monday!


Trula Marie

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