Hey, belles & beaus!

Sorry for the lack of blogmas post but I needed a well deserved day spending some time with my mama. We did some Christmas shopping together yesterday and I started in on a project today that we’ve been working on together. Well, we also happened to buy a few movies that were missing from our movie collection.

Anyone that’s known me since childhood can tell you that I’ve always loved Transformers in any form they’ve come in. I even remember when there was an a futuristic animal one – Bee was a cheetah in it. So basically, when this one came out, I was stoked to see it. Most people are probably sick of the series because they were kind of reaching for plots, but I honestly feel that this one wrapped all the questions I had in a nice little bow.

In this new one, not only are the Transformers – autobots and decepticons both – being hunted on some level, they are considered completely illegal. Lennox, Josh Duhamel’s character, is working with a special team that is basically keeping them all in check and sometimes killing them. This is how we are re-introduced to Mark Wahlberg’s character, Cade Yeager. He’s been protecting the group of Autobots that saved the earth in the previous movie.

Optimus is off planet searching for their creator who turns out to be the biggest witch in the universe. Turns out that Earth is very similar to Cybertron, the transformers home planet. We have Unicron in/on our planet and they have Quintessa who is absolutely crazy. I promise I won’t write any spoilers, but basically Quintessa manages to control Optimus.

I legitimately tried to control my fangirling when Bumblebee finally spoke! Yes, belles & beaus! Bumblebee, the autobot that has been using the radio and movies to speak for four solid movies, has finally gotten his voice box fixed and it is fully functioning! It was funny to see him have Siri’s voice and be cussing though, quite hilarious. We also discovered that we’ve pretty much had a ton of Autobots on our planet. Which is why the subtitle is so exciting because Bee was around during WWII… He wasn’t so sweet like he is in the current films.

But it was as funny as all the rest of them have been and I cannot sing its praises enough. Finally everything seems to be wrapped up in a nice package of all questions answered. Now part of me very much hopes that Michael Bay might give us Unicron, but I’m not going to hold my breath. It’s time to put the Transformers franchise to bed in my opinion, but if it were to happen, then I can almost definitely say mama and I will be at the theater to see it.

All in all, it was funny when needed and definitely played on my poor heart more than I would have liked. But it was the perfect wrap-up.

What movie ended a franchise that you thought wrapped everything up perfectly?


Trula Marie

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