I’m Not Ready For Goodbye!!

Okay, belles & beaus,

I finally did it. After two and a half months of planning on sitting and watching this movie to say goodbye to my first Mutant love, it has finally happened.

Though there is some rejoicing as Disney has now acquired Fox and that means that X-MEN IS OFFICIALLY MARVEL PROPERTY AGAIN! I mean X-Men was still a Marvel property but now that Disney has acquired Fox, it means that their contract/copyright might just be up now and that might mean – if someone will pretty please with a freaking cherry on top convince Hugh Jackman to come back and play Logan again – that we might just get to see Captain America and Wolverine in the same movie together. Which would actually be pretty darn skippy in my opinion.

But as I said, I have finally sat and watched the amazing yet heart wrenching goodbye to my favorite mutant. To be honest, I’m twenty four years old. I believe I was four when the X-Men franchise began. So Hugh has been my Wolverine for twenty years. Yeah, Hugh, if you’re reading this, it’s been that long and I’m heartbroken you that you gave the claws up.

But I doubt he’s reading this so on with the review.

It’s typical Logan. Always getting into trouble and protecting/helping people even when he doesn’t want to. I’m not going to lie. I bawled my eyes out at the end because it is (A) the end of an era for an amazing character and the actor who has played him and (B) well for this one you’ll just have to watch it. Or google spoilers. It’s up to you. My personal vote is you go watch it.

The simplified plot for this movie is that Logan is looking after the Professor when he is approached by a woman to take her and her “Daughter” to North Dakota. It is later found that the child is a mutant with Logan’s genetics making her – to some degree- the only child we know that Logan has. The government is also trying to track her down because they found that breeding and raising mutants doesn’t give them the control they wanted. So off the trio goes on their way to keep the girl from the clutches of the government.

And people wonder why Xavier was always trying to protect the mutants. Being bred and using them as weapons by our government? Dude, that’s how we ended up with the jacked up Deadpool – please reference X-Men Origins: Wolverine if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Literally, have we not learned to leave the mutated superpowered humans alone??? You would think that would have been evident after every time they try to control mutants against their will. But no. Governments are full of idiots and power hungry people.

But in all, it was the movie I hoped for and the goodbye that Logan definitely deserved. It was happy, funny, and sad all through the movie. But I have questions that were kind of left unanswered and I can only hope that someone -Kevin Feige!!!! – will get on them to fix this. I mean what happened to the X-Men? Why is it just Professor Xavier and Logan? Out of anyone I never saw Logan being the one to end up taking care of him in the end of all things. So what happened? The world may never know.

What was your favorite movie, in or out of theaters, of 2017?


Trula Marie

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