And Why I Will Always See One

Okay belles & beaus,

Some of the things I’ve been holding back on are sad and I’m not ready to share certain things until everything has been worked out. But one of them has most definitely brought on this post.

I carry a lot of stress in my neck and back. Part of it is because I did gymnastics for over seven years and the rest of it is because I’m a terrible sloucher. I’m also not very active because I’m always tired after work. Now I know that chiropractors are doctors not products, but to me it fits in this category!

I started seeing my chiropractor in September of my sophomore year in high school. It was originally in order to make an attempt at controlling my period cramps. It worked for one month and they were back with a vengeance. But I noticed that my neck and back felt much better and I could manage the pain better as well. So I continued going about once a month when I started feeling tight.

I’m sure most people have had people tell them not to crack their knuckles or stuff like that. To be honest, I don’t do that except when my fingers happen to feel tight. You can build up stress in the joints and it helps to release that on occasion. So that’s what I do by going to see a chiropractor. I have a home unit for muscle therapy when I physically can’t go to my chiropractor.

But I’ve had to start seeing one regularly again. Some of you know why because I’ve told you in private discussion. The rest of y’all will find out after Saturday because everything should have played out by then.

But essentially, chiropractors pop your spine and such to let the stress that’s built up in the joints out – or that is always how I’ve thought of it. We do things to our bodies every single day that can cause our spines to begin to change. I recently found out due to things that have gone on that the top of my spine from right under where my bra hooks and up is curved and that I also have an extremely straight neck. Crazy right?

Well, life with a chiropractor has been amazing. I always love the feeling after all the stress comes out of the joints and I’m realigned – especially when my hips aren’t aligned. My usual chiropractor prefers for me not to wear heels, but if I do wear them they should be extremely short. Now I don’t always follow this advice because let’s face it, I’m a shoe obsessed female. I do try to limit the time that I am in them and always making sure I have appropriate flats to switch to for long distance walking.

Essentially, I swear by them. My usual one has encouraged me to continue my yoga practice – though I need to try harder to practice more – as well as continue with some of my workouts that have strengthened my core and lower back. They know the things to help you keep from having to see them often! They can give you advice and stretches to help as well. So I mean, what’s not to love? I get that some people can’t go to them because of potentially making things worse but it never hurts to check in with one and see if they can help you via an evaluation!

So I hope you all have an amazing Thursday and I will hopefully have another post up tomorrow!


Trula Marie

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