Yeah, We’re Gonna Talk About It

Belles & beaus, I apologize but I slept all day yesterday and had planned for y’all to have a planner summary today to look at all the new things and share where I got the new things. But sadly as I said, I slept all day for work last night and missed the good lighting. So instead have Game of Thrones.

You’ve had a week to get yourself caught up if you watch the show. If not, then exit now because spoilers. But before you go, have Jon Snow’s butt in the Golden Ratio. Now you have to go and watch the show to understand that image. So shoo, go and watch. For those of you who are caught up, please scroll down and enter my crazy mind.


So now that I have separated the opening and our little chat, let’s get to it!

My beautiful little in her Doctor Who Letters. Photo cred: Elizabeth Jones via Snapchat

I came late to the GoT fandom thanks to my beautiful little in my sorority. We got iced out of classes for a solid three days back in 2014 – this never happens at our University- and we spent those three days piled up in my bed marathoning seasons 1-3. She was like “You like Sean Bean, right?” And I was like “Yes.” So marathon Game of Thrones we did and I quickly fell in love.

I’m a full on lover of anything very medieval, but tell me there are dragons and I’m all over it. Naturally I began falling in love with the show thanks to her. We marathoned season four when it finally came out on DVD during another ice storm. Soon after I was watching season five with Ghost Boy 2015 – whom I’ve mentioned briefly before. And most recently got to marathon season six with the guy I was seeing at the end of last year.

Fast forward to summer of 2017 and I have finished seeing season seven for myself by Tuesday night at the latest. It sucks waking up and not being able to read all the posts come Monday about the show so I have to work really hard and be patient for the episodes to load with crappy internet at the house. But the point is I’m thoroughly caught up and we’re gonna hit come stuff up. None of the following mentions book things but I fully plan on reading them between now and the beginning of season eight so those reviews will be coming in quick succession hopefully.

Jon’s True Heritage

Where we got a look at this in Season 6, we completely got to find out his name and that he’s not an bastard. Jon Snow, named for Jon Arryn, is actually Aegon Targaryen and a legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. Actually, a lot of argued that he is the true heir to the Iron Throne due to the fact that he is Rhaegar’s last living son. This also makes Daenerys his aunt. But guess what? Jon still doesn’t know. I was kind of hoping it would be revealed to him this season but sadly it was not.

Jamie Lannister Grew A Pair!

Yes, this probably ranks low on a lot of people’s lists, but this was my absolute favorite scene besides seeing Kit Harrington’s butt. Seriously though, he finally seems to have broken ranks from his sister/lover Cersei who has randomly proclaimed that she’s pregnant with yet another one of his children. The first one going cuckoo for coco puffs didn’t steer either of you away from this? Oh and the reason Jamie is turning his back on that bitch of a sister is because the woman promised to lend their men to the cause of fighting the Night King and basically lied about it! Jamie is at least trying to honor their promise on some level I hope.

Little Finger is Finally GONE!!!!

I couldn’t help but laugh my butt off at this point. I quite enjoyed him finally being seen for what he did. He is the whole entire reason that this all happened and I hope that Catelyn Stark can rest a little easier in her death now that everyone knows Peter was the reason that all of this happened. He gave Liza the poison to give to Jon Arryn. I think on some level Peter thought that it would get him Catelyn, but all it did was cause a million and one rebellions as well as get a whole bunch of people killed. Sorry, Little Finger, but you got exactly what you deserved at the end of your own blade. Sansa and Arya are a badass team and I cannot wait to see how much better it gets!

#YouKnowNothingDaenerys #YouKnowSomethingJonSnow

My two new hashtags for this show. I literally cannot stop using them. Around every twist and turn, Daenerys is reading Jon wrong or reading everything wrong! And then here comes Jon with news to her, teaching her something new. For a man accused of knowing nothing, Jon actually seems to have learned something since all the wildling crap and becoming Lord Commander. He’s learned a thing or two so, go you, Jon Snow.


Okay, my final weigh in for this season is the biggest thing that pissed me off. Gilly, our wildling girl who has learned to read to some degree, found out about Rhaegar’s annulment under a Maester which after he was married to another woman. She didn’t say Lyanna Stark, but come on we all saw that coming. And then Sam takes bloody credit for it! Girl better stand up for herself about this information because #SorryNotSorry, Sam, you are the weakest link. Your girl found that information before you did. Grow up and admit it because you were treating her like crap at the moment when she said it.

So there, I’m done. There’s what I got out of this past season. I might have missed a few majorly important things to some other people but these were my biggest take aways as far as things learned and giving the women the credit they deserve. Like seriously, Sansa, Arya, and Gilly are taking some names. Pretty proud of them.

What were some of your favorite things this season of Game of Thrones?


Trula Marie

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