The Concert I Thought I Was Going To Miss

Yeah, belles & beaus, y’all absolutely read that secondary header right. I almost thought I was going to miss out on this opportunity because I didn’t know about it until I fully believed that they’d sold out on tickets.

Shooter Jennings

Now let’s rewind for a bit and flash back to W.C. Handy Festival back at the end of July. Mumsy and I went to the kickoff at the park and then joined her coworker at Singin’ River Brewery for the Lovell Sledge Band. As we were getting ready to leave I noticed a poster for Shooter’s appearance. Well tickets went on sale and despite following him on Bands In Town and getting updates on Ticketmaster, I never even knew it.

Fastforward back to Tuesday when I was heading into work and listening to Kix 96, Fletcher mentioned that tickets were still available for pre-sale and purchase the night of. So I texted mom and let her know and she said get tickets. Thus how we ended up at the concert last night.

To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of the venue for concerts. The acoustics aren’t the best because they haven’t done anything to the building to help with that. Before they host any more concerts there, I – as an owner – would definitely be looking into fixing the problem but that’s just me. Where as Keifer Sutherland’s show sold out, there weren’t really that many at Shooter’s concert. It was a very comfortable setting.

Most everyone was sitting down in the pews – they had them against the walls – as the opening band, Cordovas, played their short set. Mom and I have discovered that sometimes we can find bands that we like this way. It was how we discovered NeedToBreathe a few years ago when we went to Memphis in May for my birthday. They were really good and very Mumford & Sons via country music if you can picture that. Mom and I both really enjoyed them and I will most likely be adding some of their music into my collection.

IMG_7224Shooter finally took the stage a little after 9 last night. Fun part about being up close like I was, I got to see the set list. I had tweeted him the day before on Twitter and mentioned my favorite song of his titled “4th of July”. It was the next to last song on the set list! I’m not saying it was because I tweeted him, but either way it was on the set list and got played! My only major complaint, other than the acoustic issues with the building, was a drunk jerk behind me singing at the top of his lungs so loudly I could barely hear Shooter singing. He even continued despite his wife telling him that he was annoying the people around him. So instead of really getting to enjoy the whole show, I only got to actually hear a few songs with out him singing loudly out of tune and off key behind me.

Now I know exactly what y’all are thinking. “Trula, that’s what people do at a concert!” Yeah, but unlike most people I tend to try and be less obnoxious about my singing. I mean you could hear people way behind us singing. But it was a group together that you could hear, not just one single person singing loudly off key and in your ear to the point of drowning out the actual singer. I’d most definitely go see Shooter again, but at a different setting because I don’t think I can’t handle someone like that singing in my ear again.

What concerts have you been to lately? And how was the venue/experience?


Trula Marie

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