That Make Me Feel Amazing

Just like everyone has certain songs that make them feel good, there are thing that we do for ourselves that make us feel amazing. No matter how small of a thing it is, the action itself has the ability to make us forget the amount of stress on our shoulders and allow us the ability to take a breath… To center ourselves and fine some peace for a short amount of time. Today I’m going to share with you my top three favorite things to do.

My number one feel good action is simply to take a nice hot shower and wash my hair. Just the simple act make me feel amazing. But it also also makes my hair super soft when I dry it. I usually have a hard time letting it dry on its own unless I’m absolutely worn out – aka what I did after a crazy New Year’s celebration this year. When my hair is soft after a shower, it’s even better so it’s really two fabulous things in one go.

My second go to feel good can make my day a million times better. It’s to simply take my time to do my make up and I mean full face makeup. Now I’m still working on perfecting my brow game and cat-eye liner. But for the most part, a full face of makeup can make my day so wonderful. My idea of full face makeup is perfectly flawless foundation, awesome lashes/mascara, and a great lip color. It really is just because I get to take my time with it. And I’ve really found it to be extremely relaxing. Hopefully once I get a new video camera, I will do a tutorial for my basic look that is my go to when I need a pick me up.

My last and finally favorite pick me up is extremely simple. I get in my car, put on Lady Gaga, and drive while singing along to the music until I feel better. The only thing that makes it better than this is to have a friend and food in the mix. Comfort food, best friends, and fabulous music? What could really be betteR?

There are so many more things that I could list, but I really wanted to keep it to just my top three. Everyone has their own feel good go-tos. Some like to hit a bookstore or just go shopping. The point is that you’re taking time to yourself and giving yourself a little love.

So, what are some of your favorite self-care things that you do? What makes you feel amazing? Feel free to share in the comments.

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