A Recap

I thought it might be a little fun to recap Founders’ Day as it was just all spent sitting through brunch and listening to our speakers that had been invited.

So the morning of course started with my waking up and getting ready for the day. Full face of makeup, the dress and the shoes – which I sadly had to switch to my black Jessica Simpson Mandalaye flats because COLD! -, and of course the hair.

I actually decided not to curl my hair and instead teased the top part before pulling some of it back towards the top and sides. I just tied it back with a little clear hair tie and tied a piece of red ribbon around it because I didn’t want to go crazy. But I also hadn’t been able to find a hair piece anywhere that I absolutely liked.

Once I’d gotten my full makeup done, I got dressed and headed out the door with my purse and camera. I had volunteered to be part of the candlelight ceremony, reading the part of one of our founders during it, so I had to leave a little earlier than I had originally planned.

When I got there, all the collegiates were starting to roll in and pick tables. The Silent Auction was up and running and the photo booth was in full swing as well. I hung out in the main area waiting for a few of the ladies from my collegiate chapter to arrive.

Once everyone had a arrived, it was pretty much a day spent getting updates from the local collegiate chapters as well as updating them on what the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter (NAAC) has been up to. Another thing is that we usually have a couple keynote speakers that come to talk. One is usually from the AOΠ Foundation while the other is a local representative from The Arthritis Foundation which is our women’s fraternity philanthropy.

Sadly the speaker from The Arthritis Foundation was under the weather, but sent a letter for our NAAC President to read to us. Then a sister from the AOΠ Foundation spoke about the importance of the foundation and how it helps sisters everywhere.

When the brunch finally wrapped up, the silent auction was announced to have raised over six hundred dollars which was really awesome. I actually walked away with a really super cute Red and White rugby shirt that a sister had embroidered AOΠ onto. I’ll share a photo of it in a later post because it’s most definitely going to be part of a future Outfit of the Day post. Like I can guarantee that I will be.

The best part, it was suggested to retail at like $40. And I know this for a fact because she’d posted about them in one of the AOΠ Facebook groups for them to be on her website at the time. To be honest, I was still a broke college student at the time and couldn’t afford it. But I actually bought it for $15 in the auction yesterday!

But brunch and spending time with all the collegiates as well as alumnae was not the highlight of my day. Nor was the house tour of the AOΠ house at Vanderbilt. One of my sisters and her mother went to McKay’s which is the big used book store in Nashville. I’ve only been a couple times before but it is one of my favorite used book store! Mostly because I got one of the books that has been on my list for a while.

$5 at McKay’s! YAY!

I was so excited to find a copy of this while we were there. As you could probably tell by my Oufit of the Day post from yesterday, I might come off a little obsessed with Lauren Conrad. It’s not a stalker type thing, I swear it! It’s more of a she’s found her own way to her aesthetic and happens to have some of the same tastes that I have when it comes to things.

So, she’s more of one of my role models for my aesthetic go to than anything. So finding this as a steal yesterday just made my day! Now on the hunt for the Style book.

So after McKay’s, my sorority sister and I ended up back down near Vandy for lunch where we played catch up because we hadn’t seen each other in nearly two months.

We then did a small bit of shopping at one of the nearby malls before getting ready to call it a night and head home. It was truly an amazing day as well as an extremely needed day spent hanging out with someone that I can just talk to without worry of judgement and I feel it was the same for her. But it was definitely just what the doctor ordered!

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