Welcome to Taurus Season

Hello, friend,

I don’t think I realized when I planned on putting this post out that the date I planned for it to come out would be at the beginning of Taurus season. However, apparently subconscious Trula was ahead of awake Trula in all of this planning.

I’m a firm believer that self care does not always require you to spend money so I’m going to cover a few options for each kind of budget range just to have that coverage. But I also wanted to chat about why I think it’s a little hilarious that I have this post set for the timing it has.

People who fall under the Taurus sign of the zodiac get a really bad rep as being bullheaded and stubborn. And while I will agree that those are both some of our worst and best attributes, it is not the only thing we have going for us. Taurus people are typically grounded – considering it is an earth sign. We enjoy relaxing in serene, natural, and simplistic environments where we can be surrounded by soft sounds, soothing fragrances, and succulent flavors. Comfort is the name of our game and we know how to do the self-care thing pretty well.

So who better than to talk about this topic?

Free Self-Care

A lot of times, I choose to do things that are really simple that don’t cost me anything to actually relax. Why? Because sometimes your girl is just can’t be bothered, but also because I am trying to be more mindful on how I spend my money with wanting to buy a house in the next five or so years. With this, I try to focus on things that I don’t have to spend money on.

A lot of times, my self-care looks like piling up in bed with a book that is in my never-ending stack of To Be Read books or watching a movie from my movie collection. While these both do have money tied to them from past spending, you can always borrow a book or movie from your local library. You can also pile up in your favorite comfy place and just listen to music. It’s definitely something I love to do, especially on my porch once the weather gets warmer. I like to turn on my record player and just let the music wash over me.

A nice relaxing bath is another one of my favorites. While I do enjoy making it more enjoyable with some bath bombs, those are not always necessary. This is another great way to relax while listening to music and I highly recommend it. I sometimes will also take a book with me and read while I soak for a bit before actually taking my bath.

Budget Friendly Self-Care

If you’re balling on a budget, I cannot speak enough on doing small things to elevate your self-care.  Buy a book that you’re interested in reading and spend an evening devouring the pages. Or you can pull a me and head to your local Walmart or Target to find yourself some epsom salts to elevate that bath. Sometimes the stores even have some small bath bombs that are not super expensive. You can pick up some of those and toss them into your relaxing bath.

A favorite thing of mine is to get a pack of candle sticks, set them up around my bath, and light them. Turn the overhead lights off in the bathroom and just lounge in your tub and read by candlelight. I promise you that the ambiance is going to help your stress levels drop. You can also find a cheap bottle of wine (or drink of your choice) so you can have a beverage on standby during this.

You can also either buy some facemarks and use them while you’re relaxing in the tub.

There are probably more ways that I’m not mentioning. However, if you’re wanting a tiny bit of a splurge on bath bombs I highly recommend either Lush or Witch Baby Soap. Both have amazing bath bombs and are usually my go to when I’m splurging a bit.

I also love to pile up with some quality gaming time in my favorite recliner. You’d be surprised how much beating the crap out of things can help a stress level come down. And it’s even better when Katherine decides she’s going to crawl into my lap and snuggle with me.

Bougie Self-Care

We’re stepping it up again with the things that I do save up and do for myself at least once to twice a year. I highly recommend having a couple things that are more bougie that you can use for special occasions to help you relax.

I love to go see my esthetician and let her do a custom facial when she has a moment. She does amazing work and I really only do it when I need that extra bit of zen mode with her. I love going to see her and just lay there on her table while she does my facial. But I also feel good about this when I go see her for my brows and other various waxing visits.

My other favorite bougie self-care is going to see my favorite massage therapists. I have two that I go to and each one specializes in different types. Sometimes I’m a sucker for a deep tissue massage and others I’m good with just a nice relaxing massage that doesn’t involve deep tissue. Both of my friends who do this are good at their profession and I adore them both.

In truth, there are many ways to do self-care without spending any money and also many ways to get it to work into a budget. It’s all about doing what you can with what you have.

So in celebration of Taurus Season, do yourself the best favor you can: slow down and take some comfort in self-care. I promise you’ll be happy you did.

My love,

Trula Marie

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